How can I brew a beer with the intense fruit taste of Leinenkugel's Berry Weiss?!

Question: Just get a good Weiss recipe, and add some fruit flavor extract to primary or secondary. Personally, I'd rather have a real fruit taste as opposed to Leinie's extract flavoring, so If I were to do it, I'd go buy 2-3 bags of frozen mixed berries at the grocery store, the ones that are mixed black, rasp, blue, and strawberries. Empty the 3 bags into a cheese clothe bag, or a nylon stocking, tie it off, and then pasteurize it at 175'F for about 20-30 min. Then add to secondary and let set for about 3 weeks. Rack, prime, and bottle. I guarantee it will have a much much more intense and real fruit flavor that will be hard to beat.

Answers: Just get a good Weiss recipe, and add some fruit flavor extract to primary or secondary. Personally, I'd rather have a real fruit taste as opposed to Leinie's extract flavoring, so If I were to do it, I'd go buy 2-3 bags of frozen mixed berries at the grocery store, the ones that are mixed black, rasp, blue, and strawberries. Empty the 3 bags into a cheese clothe bag, or a nylon stocking, tie it off, and then pasteurize it at 175'F for about 20-30 min. Then add to secondary and let set for about 3 weeks. Rack, prime, and bottle. I guarantee it will have a much much more intense and real fruit flavor that will be hard to beat.

The easiest way would be to add fruit flavoring after primary fermentation is done. Your local homebrew supply should have many flavors available.

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