Becoming a happy drunk?!

Question: When I drink, more often than not I find myself sat in mud at the bottom of the garden (or in the toilets if I'm out) crying my eyes out about nothing in particular. But sometimes, I'm happy and fun, enjoy myself and have a great night. It's quite odd like that, sometimes I'll even flick between the two moods two or three times in a night. I want to enjoy parties and do silly things that I wouldn't have the courage to do when sober. I want to know if there's anything I can do to increase the chances of turning happy-drunk rather than sad-drunk?

Please don't answer saying "Don't drink" - I'm young and adventurous and those words will fall on deaf ears, for I fully understand the possible consequences of my actions and I'll accept that risk in order to experience something a little different :)

Answers: When I drink, more often than not I find myself sat in mud at the bottom of the garden (or in the toilets if I'm out) crying my eyes out about nothing in particular. But sometimes, I'm happy and fun, enjoy myself and have a great night. It's quite odd like that, sometimes I'll even flick between the two moods two or three times in a night. I want to enjoy parties and do silly things that I wouldn't have the courage to do when sober. I want to know if there's anything I can do to increase the chances of turning happy-drunk rather than sad-drunk?

Please don't answer saying "Don't drink" - I'm young and adventurous and those words will fall on deaf ears, for I fully understand the possible consequences of my actions and I'll accept that risk in order to experience something a little different :)

I think it has to do with your mood BEFORE you start drinking.

Im in college and drink every weekend....but before I drink Im always in a good mood and out with my buddies at some nice party......

Also, just be careful who you drink with......i dunno but that could relate to the problem......if your drinking with ppl who cause "drama"......well......I dont know......

These are just some suggestions but I think you should sit down (while sober lol) and think about questions like these.

Hope this helps :).

Check out - search on alcohol.

My understanding is that alcohol is a depressant.

Take care of yourself.. You might talk to your parents about this.. Immediately..

First of all, if you can not contain your emotions at all you shouldn't drink. However, I have found that I get a different type of drunk depending on what I drink. For me: Champagne = Sleepy, Beer = Vomit, Straight Liquor or Strong mized drinks (Long Islands) = Fun, loud, crazy drunk. My drink of choice is a Purple Haze martini. It's very tart, but you can smooth that out with a little vodka. It's a martini with hypnotic, pomagranate juice, and little pineapple juice. You can find the receipe online by googeling Purple Haze Martini. It's delicious.

try a different type of alcohol. drifferent types of alcohol affect people in different ways. when i drink teqila i get angery when i drink whisky ia am a happy drunk.

I would have to say, you need to surround yourself with good people. I am almost 30 years old now and I have a daughter, but I was a bouncer at a bar twice while in college and I tried to put good people around me because it was always the most helpful.

Perhaps you have a latent personality disorder that becomes more severe when you drink alcohol. I'd suggest seeing a doctor and asking them if this is a possability

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