What can you use absinthe for??!
What can you use absinthe for??
it seems like a realy bizzare alcohol. but what kind of drinks can you make? is it popular? and is it even legal in the US??
In the United States, Absinthe is not a controlled substance but its sale in bars and liquor stores is banned. Absinthe is still however legal to purchase and possess in the United States. In most of the European Union, Absinthe may be sold as long as it stays at 10mg of thujone. In Canada, Absinthe is completely legal, and on sale in some liquor stores.
Here is a website with lots or recipes http://www.absintherecipe.org/
... and here is a site to purchase absinthe http://www.absinthe.bz/index.html?mv_pc=...
its illegal in the US. you put it over a sugar cube. tastes like black liquorice
Not legal in the U.S.
Great for hallucinations though.
totally illegal in the US. had a version of it in New Orleans-foul stuff. puts hair on your chest, back, tongue. ugh