How long can beer be detected in urine with new test / /?!

Question: the etg test can one pass it after 90 hours ?

Answers: the etg test can one pass it after 90 hours ?

The EtG test can detect at about 80 hours, but it is unreliable and gives many false positives.

Stop drinking.

no alcohol stay longer than 90 hours in your system about 120 hours

Why are you in a beer problem? In trouble with the parents?

xox Channelle

i thought it was a week but dont take my word for it....good luch with your test though...:)

the thing with alcohol is. once you are sober. the very next time you piss its gone. but you have to actually be sober. hangovers count as still being drunk.


etg test can detect alcohol after 5 days.

unless 90 hours is 5 days...? lol then yeah.

oh and ummm etg doesn't just detect the alcohol still in your body it detects the stuff in your liver that has stuff from the alcohol in it.

90 hours? i've always heard it was just 24 or so.

It's the aluminum in the can they detect. Drink from glass - it doesn't show up. SHHHHHH... don't tell him!

i know a few years ago they came out with the 80 hr test for alcohol and it can detect if you had cough syrup with alcohol in it. be careful

It is out of your system within 12 hours. Why not just behave yourself and not have to worry.

all depends on your height, weight, metabolic system, and possible other factor, but generally for your standard urine test approx. 24-48 hrs. Blood test 8 weeks.

i dont know...but drink cranberry gets it out of ur system quicker ( so i hear

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