I'm having a Sunday afternoon BBQ, is Trader Joe's wine too cheap to serve?!

Question: I'm talking about the Trader Joe's wine that's about $3.

Answers: I'm talking about the Trader Joe's wine that's about $3.

Kind of depends on what you're having...

Ribs - I'd go with a Shiraz or Pinot Noir
Steaks - Definitely a Zinfandel, Cabernet or Petite Sirah
Fish, Shrimp or Seafood - Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio
Chicken - Chardonnay

For the Shiraz - Hardy's makes a good one that comes in a box. Most Grocery stores will carry it - it's about four bottles for a total of approx $16.

For the Cab, Petite Sirah, Sauv Blanc - Bogle is a good, reliable, not too expensive wine

For Pinot Noir - Castle Rock or Mark West are good for the money

For Sauvignon Blanc - try Monkey Bay

Pinot Grigio - try Bandit - it's in a 1 Liter box.

Have fun!

No, for a BBQ it's perfectly fine.

2 buck chuck is actually pretty good (it's 3 now, but the name stuck). Even people who know something about wine find it drinkable and entertaining, as long as they aren't total wine snobs. Go for it!

Nothing fancy or formal about a BBQ. Besides, wine spectator and consumer reports have both rated "2 buck chuck" very well!

I dont know much about the Charles Shaw but the J.W. Morris is realy good. I like the white zin and the riesling. It also is around 3.00 dollars... it is not to cheap to serve! Have fun!

If you were inviting me, I wouldn't be checking out the wine to see if it's good enough for me to drink. I buy lots of my wine at TJ's and find it very good. If you're worried people will smirk at the Charles Shaw label, buy another...they've got a lot of tasty wines for under $10 a bottle.

BBQ and beer yes, BBQ and wine, not.

It's decent wine, wine should not be judged by price, but by whether or not you like it. Frankly, I'm a fan of Trader Joe's Reisling. It's nice and fruity, not to sweet or too dry.

Depends on your guests really, but I don't see why Charles Shaw would be a disappointment for most people at a barbecue. Speaking of which, let me go open a bottle......

Ok, back. No, Two-buck Chuck should generally be fine, though I'm more of a beer-at-a-barbecue kind of guy myself.

Edit: Anthony, wow! Sounds like you know what you're talking about. I'm saving a copy of your recommendations in case I need it.

Absolutely not. I have been to tons of parties where people serve their wine.

Not at all! It's perfect for a BBQ!

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