What does it mean if you can pull the tab off a soda can or beer can and keep the small circle attached?!

Question: Does that really mean you can get a kiss or something...

Answers: Does that really mean you can get a kiss or something...

Me and my wife are still doing the roflmfao on seeing a question about what the Cub Scouts call the 'curly', reason being, we have had to sort, count, and bag close too 3,000,000 tabs for a Cub Scout collection program, and she actually knew the answer...

The person who pulls such a tab, presents it to his/her partner for 5 minutes of 'free time', meaning the presenter gets what they want....this was a 1980's thing when the current type of tab we are used to came into being.

It means you can pull the tab off a soda can or beer can and keep the small circle attached.

Means you won't be drinking any pop today!

I forgot what that one was suppose to mean but I was told that scratching off your beers lable means your sexually deprived lol. I was just bored but I was told other wise lol

your going to be thirsty

I think it tells us something about the weakest spot in that piece of metal.

absolutely nothing

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