Which vodka is best for shots?!

Question: im trying to find a vodka that goes down smoth plz help!! or if u have any info on a 150 proof vodka thatd help to

Answers: im trying to find a vodka that goes down smoth plz help!! or if u have any info on a 150 proof vodka thatd help to

Stolichnaya , Chopin, and Armadale or see some of the best vodka ratings -http://www.slate.com/id/2106004


Grey Goose

None -- if it ain't worth sippin', it ain't worth drinkin'!

smirnoff probs, or for something a little stronger, try absynth

Grey Goose:D or even Polar Ice..

Smirnov is best
they made Vodka for the Tsar before the revolution, and escaped before they would be stuck there. Its good enough for royalty

Vodka isn't for shots. You mix it with OJ or cran. Shot works well with Bacardi Gold.

Apart from the real deal Russian and Polish stuff, Huzzar cuts the ice, real nice for shots.

As said already, Grey Goose would be a good fit for your requests. Otherwise, just stay away from the weird flavored ones.

Grey Goose or Belvedere

Russian Vodka. (not the cheap ones)
Take it easy with the 150%

I would recommend a great Vodka to drink, but since I have no clue how old you are, then I can't tell you, because their are allot of youngins on this website, and if you was 21 and up, then I would of answered you!! Sorry dude!! Wiat till you are 21!!

grey goose

All depends...if you actually like the taste of vodka, don't do it in shots. If you are just doing shots to do them, and you don't like the taste, get some absolute citron. Lick some sugar, do the shot, and put a slice of lemon in your mouth. Its called a lemon drop...and its addictive.

stolie !

black russians are my favorite...stolie and kahlua

Belvidere is one of the smoothest

if your looking for very very very potent shots... i'd say just get some 191proof everclear...chase it with lime ... one or two will do it for ya

Absolut, hands down.
Next would be Grey Goose, or Skyy.
Then last but not least, Smirnoff.
Stolie goes down well, but has a terrible aftertaste.

absolute or grey goose

Koskenkorva (finnish vodka) is best :)

Absolute.. but Grey Goose isn't bad either...

Definitely Absolut or if youre on a budget Svedka is an awesome brand.

If you're cheap, Bankers. If you have money... well you shouldn't take shots of Absolut or Skyy. That's a waste of money.

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