Whats some good alcohal?!

Question: :P

Answers: :P

It depends what you like.
If you like beer then I would suggest Sam Adams, Smithwicks, or Harp
If you like frozen mixed drinks I would suggest daiquiris, pina colada, or margaritas
If you like shots I would suggest a flavored vodka, jagger (if you like black licorice), or gold schlagger (if you like cinnamon)
Mixed drinks - rum and coke, stoli o + seven up, or vodka cranberry/orange juice/gatorade.
it all depends on what you like and how much drinking you have done.
Personally I like whiskey and scotch but it depends on your taste


If you can't spell it, you shouldn't be drinking it ...

very alcohal in odka , bkhardi

Wait until you are 21. Better yet......30.

since you are too lazy to check your spelling...just have some malt liquor....

If your smart you won't start drinking. More people are hurt and more families are torn apaart because of alcohol, I should know...

Now now now......."good alcohol"............I cough on thee............Its not what you drink that counts......its how drunk you get......!!

ouzo. its really strong & good mixed with different things like oj, kahlua, hot tea.. the list goes on

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