In pulp fiction travolta says contrary to french, american can't buy beer in mc donalds. is that true?!

Question: That's not exactly how he put it but Lisa is right, it is Amsterdam and he talked about being able to buy a beer and how they called their burgers Le Royale instead of a quarter pounder because of the metric system.

Answers: That's not exactly how he put it but Lisa is right, it is Amsterdam and he talked about being able to buy a beer and how they called their burgers Le Royale instead of a quarter pounder because of the metric system.



Not right now. It's a slang.


Yep it's true you cannot buy Beer in McDonalds. You can buy hamburgers, french fries, salads, ice cream, etc but no beer.

Yeah, it's true in a lot of European countries!

Not totally sure about France, but it's highly likely. I know when I was in Germany they had beer at McDonalds.

maybe in amsterdam!

yeah, it's true, my husband is from Portugal and he said that in Europe you can buy beer at McDonald's and I was amazed, in the US to serve alcohol at any establishment you need to buy a liquore license from the town and they can cost as much as $500,000, it's crazy we have a lot of restaurants (not fast food but sit down nice restaurants) that can't serve alcohol, but you can bring your own which can end out cheaper sometimes

The following page is McDonald's International products (including France).

I searched the page for the word "beer", but it only appeared once, in the context of "root beer".

I also searched for the words "alcohol" and "alcoholic" (beverage). And there were zero results.

I think the answer is "no". Not in France or any McDonald's in the world.

They sure would sell more happy meals if they did!

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