Alcoholic mixers and where to buy??!

Question: Ok, I had this awesome drink at a restaurant / bar the other day...anyways, I know whats in it and everything, and I want to make some at home for a party, but i just cant find where to buy the:
1. Sweet and Sour mix
2. martini mix
3. creme de menthe

These aren't all in the one drink, but I can't find it at the local liquor store...any suggestions, by the way I live in the middle of nowhere and our "store" carries pretty much just the basics. Maybe go to a grocery store, i dont know, and are there different flavors of these things??

Answers: Ok, I had this awesome drink at a restaurant / bar the other day...anyways, I know whats in it and everything, and I want to make some at home for a party, but i just cant find where to buy the:
1. Sweet and Sour mix
2. martini mix
3. creme de menthe

These aren't all in the one drink, but I can't find it at the local liquor store...any suggestions, by the way I live in the middle of nowhere and our "store" carries pretty much just the basics. Maybe go to a grocery store, i dont know, and are there different flavors of these things??

The creme de menthe would definitely be at a liquor store, but you can find the mixers at almost any grocery store since the mixers themselves don't contain alcohol.

if the grocery store has a liquor store you can find it there. the martini and sweet and sour mix you can find in the soda section in the store itself,

what the hell is martini mix. a traditional martini is gin and dry vermouth. vodka martini is vodka and dry vermouth. sour mix can be purchased anywhere or made fresh by using lemon juice (canned, bottled, or fresh) thin it out with about 2 parts water to 1 part lemon, add sugar to taste. creme de menthe is a cordial and can be sold at the grocery store, that doesn't mean that it will be though. to save time just go to the liquor store.

I've never heard aof a martini mix since that's a pure alcohol drink. But the others you can def get at either a liquor store or grocery store. If you're looking for the flavored martini mixers a grocery store would have them--and cost plus does too.

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