I just drank 3 beers in an hour?!

Question: Its my first time drinking actually, i'm drinking the fourth right now what are the chances of me having a hangover? school tomorrow

Answers: Its my first time drinking actually, i'm drinking the fourth right now what are the chances of me having a hangover? school tomorrow

Haha...been there done that. Make the fourth drink your last for the night. Make sure you eat something before you go to bed and drink a big glass of water with a couple of aspirin. Also, allow for at least 6 hours of sleep so your body recovers somewhat during this time.

ahh yeah

you will be sick in the morning.

ahh youll be good

if your still able to wirte this msg, seems like your body can handle to alcohol fine. just drink water before bed

eat some chips.

Lol MINOR!!!

It all depends on your tolerance. Depends on the person and their diet. I would say, you might have one cuz of your body weight. Plus, 4 in about an hour is pretty fast, you'll get wasted and miss out on a fun night.

To keep the buzz going, drink 2 an hour for the first 2 hours, then 1 an hour.


Drinking isn't really cool. Lost of girls don't like drinkers, they are usually a$$ holes. I know I've been around a few.

AND i don't think you supposed to be taking asprin with achohol.......
It's not good to mix achohol with some meds.

Bad things happen to girls who drink, I know someone that got preg and didn't even remember doing anything....

i learned that however many you drink that's how many hours it takes for it to be out of your system. for example 2 beers will take 2 hours.

That isn't very much, I wouldn't think that you'd have a terrible hangover from it. But then again it is your first time drinking. I'd advise you to drink A LOT of water before you go to bed. That's the surefire way to prevent a hangover, because alcohol really dehydrates your body. I've tried all of the supposed remedies for hangovers and none of them work except for that one. Sometimes I take a couple tylenol or advil before I go to sleep too. My head always seems to feel clearer in the morning, but I can't say if that's directly resulting from the tylenol, but you could always try it.

4 bottles aint that much, no hangovers for you tomorrow but try to take some juice or any other fluids before going to bed. Tomorrow drink lots of juices or isotonics in case you have hangover.

u might still be drunk when u wake up

once your finished drinking booze drink heaps of water and dont go to sleep while your still drunk. if you do all that you'll be fine

You shouldn't have one, it's not that much. But to be safe have water before bed.

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