What's the best Canadian beer?!

Question: Moosehead Lager

Moosehead, like Keith’s is an east-coast beer. My first discovery of Moosehead was on a snowboarding trip in western Manitoba. After grabbing a case at a small town beer store I was instantly in love. This was in 2001. Unfortunately for me, Moosehead wasn’t made available in Saskatchewan (my home province) until 2007—after I had since moved to an area that it was readily available (not a coincidence, by the way). I drink Moosehead almost excessively at home by the bottle, and find it is excellent from the tap as well. If you haven’t tried it yet, you must. I happen to know that it is available across Canada (Saskatchewan was the last holdout) and through the United States. (Lager)

Answers: Moosehead Lager

Moosehead, like Keith’s is an east-coast beer. My first discovery of Moosehead was on a snowboarding trip in western Manitoba. After grabbing a case at a small town beer store I was instantly in love. This was in 2001. Unfortunately for me, Moosehead wasn’t made available in Saskatchewan (my home province) until 2007—after I had since moved to an area that it was readily available (not a coincidence, by the way). I drink Moosehead almost excessively at home by the bottle, and find it is excellent from the tap as well. If you haven’t tried it yet, you must. I happen to know that it is available across Canada (Saskatchewan was the last holdout) and through the United States. (Lager)

Oh my,you are both sadly, sadly wrong my grasshoppers and amature beer drinkers!
Go here: http://greatcanadianpubs.blogs...
Read it, learn it, then live it. You both need a beer Yoda! Report It

Anama's Avatar Anama
and to totally ignore Unibroue, SHAME! for SHAME! Report It

Other Answers (11)

  • twistingblindly's Avatar by twisting...
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    Ice cold Kokannee......mmmmm...can't wait for summer!

    Alexander Keith's

    I prefer the India Pale Ale

    rather than the Red

    but both are great

    I was just at a Hops Festival, and this Whistler Beer is the best I ever tasted.


    i'd probably say molson. and then after that it's labatt

    Unibroue Trois Pistoles would be my current favorite but not many of Canada's craft beers make it down my way.


    You're welcome.

    Alexander Kieths or Rickards Red


    I rather prefer La Fin du Monde from Unibroue. Labatt, Molson, Moosehead, etc are exactly the same as Bud, Miller, Coors, etc.... cheap garbage.

    Drink Better Beer.

    I like for main stream beer he new Alexander Keiths traditional lager. My fave though is smaller brewery from Alberta Called big rock - Grasshopper and Traditional ale are my two faves from them!


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