Drinking beer with a straw?!

Question: now i've never done it but people keep talking about how it makes you drunk faster drinking out of a straw than not to. now is that true or not cuz i don't really see how it is true

Answers: now i've never done it but people keep talking about how it makes you drunk faster drinking out of a straw than not to. now is that true or not cuz i don't really see how it is true

There is no evidence to support the idea that people get drunk faster if they drink alcoholic beverages through a straw, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

However, the carbonation of beer is itself a factor in intoxication, according to "Loosening the Grip: a Handbook of Alcohol Information," by Kinney and Leaton, published by the C.V. Mosby Company. The book notes that carbon dioxide, which makes beer and other carbonated beverages bubble, hastens the passage of alcohol from the stomach and has the effect of increasing the speed of absorption. It is the rate of absorption that is largely responsible for the feeling of intoxication; other factors besides carbonation include the amount of food in the stomach and the type of beverage consumed.

Its all about how much you drink not how you drink it.

It's not true.

it makes u more yeah,but makes u even drunker if u shotgun it

Bet you get hiccups!!

It doesn't make you drunk faster because the alcohol content doesn't change. Perhaps you drink it faster than you would if you were drinking it without a straw, and that could contribute to getting drunker faster.


it is not going to get you anymore drunk then if you were to drink it without a straw. the only thing it is going to do for you is either give you bad burps or farts.

Why will you be faster drunken ? NOt funny at all

No it doesnt make drunk any faster. If you are drinking a glass of beer out of a straw and I am drinking a glass f beer without one and we drink it at the same pace we are still consuming the same amount of beer just in a different manner.

it absolutely does NOT work. i wrote my term paper on the history of alcohol, most myth you hear about drinking a certain way to get drunk faster is false. think about it, you are still consuming the same amount of alcohol when you sip through a straw, chug, or calmly drink. still, there are certain variables you have to factor in like tolerance, weight and amount of alcohol put in your system to the time put in...meaning 10 beers in 5 mins will "F" you up faster than 10 beers in 30 mins.

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