I am an alcoholic. How do I stop?!

Question: I thought I licked it, but I was wrong? I quit for almost 3 years. And here I am, 30 years old and drinking again.. In the past 3 years, I've had the occasional drink here and there, (about 15 drinks in the past 3 years, but when I did drink it was never more than two or three drinks a night) So, I never worried about it... but now I am worrying, because it is starting to increase again..What the heck do I do? I know I just need to abstain completely, how do I manage?

Answers: I thought I licked it, but I was wrong? I quit for almost 3 years. And here I am, 30 years old and drinking again.. In the past 3 years, I've had the occasional drink here and there, (about 15 drinks in the past 3 years, but when I did drink it was never more than two or three drinks a night) So, I never worried about it... but now I am worrying, because it is starting to increase again..What the heck do I do? I know I just need to abstain completely, how do I manage?

Yes, it's tough. For some people (me included) moderate drinking just never seems to last and abstinence is the only way. I'm doing great now with nearly 10 years without a drink. I did go to AA for a long time but left after I got sick of being abused and losing my ability to think rationally.

Here are some options I wish I'd known about 10 years ago:



Good luck to you and remember there IS life after alcohol!!


go to rehab.

When your an alcoholic and you've given up the drink, you can never, never have alcohol again. Its like giving up cigarettes, it only takes one to get back on the wagon. I'm not sure if you've been to AA, its not for everyone, but try rehab or even a drug and alcohol councillor, I'm sure they steer you in the right direction. Good luck, you've done it once you can do it again and give up forever.

12 step program of your choice
The alcohol abuse is likely a symptom of having an addictive personality. If you simply quit drinking you will probaly just replace drinking with another addiction whether it be drug abuse or some other manifestation.
I have many family members who have/had addiction problems its not something you have good odds at beating alone. When your ready to take control, go find a meeting.

It's real easy for someone to tell you what to do. But your the one who is dealing with it, and it isn't as easy as 1,2,3 to stop. Depending on how addicted the body is to it....because it is my understanding there is just as much withdrawal as anything else the body and mind has gotten addicted to....
not being a medical person, just what I have read, my advice would be to go to the doctor. Or, if you can't afford one, or don't have a doctor you see regularly, go to your Health Dept. or Clinic. Tell them what is going on, and you need help quitting....
They can put you on med's to combat the withdrawal symptoms, and/or put you in contact with AA. Some things some people just can't do by themselves, kicking alcohol may be one of them. Some people social drink, most drink for the buzz..... or there would be no alcohol and certainly none in Beer! If you need motivation, a bit apprehensive to go seek outside help, then read what alcohol does to your body, the strain it puts on your Heart. Oh yeah, there are some pretty awful things alcohol does to your body, not to mention what you'll look like in a few years from the toll it takes on your facial skin!!! Your online, so you have access to everything you need to look that up, and what kind of help possibly is available in your area......Good Luck to you, this is a hard one. But don't give up if it is something you know you need to do....Obviously it is, or you wouldn't have posted this and it is at least a step in the right direction, that your aware you want to quit........

You poor thing. I understand where you're coming from. I had an alcohol problem myself. Good for you on kicking it, not so good that you're picking it up again. . . . Since you managed to kick it a first time, what's making you pick it up again? Relationship issues, etc.

Now, I still have the occasional drink, but just ask yourself, what's driving you to start drinking so much again?

Best of luck!

~ Lyn Bee

Celebrate Recovery...research it and see if its for you...

Start doing crack.

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