Passionfruit Vodka?!

Question: Heya

Birthday drinks in just over a week, I've got a really nice big bottle of passionfruit '42 below' vodka.

never tried this before, only vanilla and fejoa.

but what can i get from the supermarket (easily) to add to vodka and ice or whatever, that will be sweet and easy to down....but will still be powerful?

so im all for the sweetness of juice and coke or whatever.


Answers: Heya

Birthday drinks in just over a week, I've got a really nice big bottle of passionfruit '42 below' vodka.

never tried this before, only vanilla and fejoa.

but what can i get from the supermarket (easily) to add to vodka and ice or whatever, that will be sweet and easy to down....but will still be powerful?

so im all for the sweetness of juice and coke or whatever.


The 42 Below Passionfruit is generally used in more complicated cocktails as the second you add juice or soft drink the taste gets very diluted.

However I have no doubt you dont want me to list cocktails that take hours to make so I think the best bet is to get a clear (non-cloudy) apple juice and a bit of fresh lime.

Use about 30mls of Passionfruit vodka on ice (one ounce for those of you not willing to make the evidently impossible move to the metric system) top with 60ml of clear apple then squeeze in a wedge or two of fresh lime.


i like to mix my vodka with sprite or ginger ale

add some really nice citrus fruitslike lime and grapefruit to give it a sweet and sour taste....alwys the best for a drink!

That sounds like it'd be good for jello shots!

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