Whats a good chaser?!

Question: for tequila??


Answers: for tequila??


Tequila with orange juice is delicious. I am having those for my bday. They are called Tequila Sunrises.

Bit into a lime!

Or chase it with those new Chill lime flavored beer.

with tequila your suppose to put salt on your hand lick it off, take the shot, and then suck on a lime


I use those little lime juice things that are straight lime juice, super sour but it does the trick ( little round green plastic container). You can also pour your shot and top the shot off with some and it is waaaay easier to take. But if its still harsh Pepsi always does it for me :)

Tequila is fantastic served neat (straight up).
However, don't think of drinking straight Jose Cuervo, as it is garbage. I would recommend getting a fantastic sipping tequilla - don julio blanc or anejo is tops in my book.

Or you could always buy cheap ****, and get a bottle of premade tequilla mix.

oh, and for the record. Patron is junk.

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