This is a three-pronged question: what is....?!


This is a three-pronged question: what is....?

... your favorite type of beer: lager, ale or pilsner; your favorite brand, and do you like to drink from a bottle, can, glass or on tap or draught?

I like all types but I think I prefer ale overall. However my favorite currently is Creemore Springs Lager, which I drink from a glass or on tap. But of all the beers I have tried on draught, I really like Hermann's Bavarian Dark, pulled beautifully at the former Rose and Thorn. I have also been enjoying Stella Artois lately, imported from Belgium. I think beer is a wonderful beverage....

Well first off, a pilsner is a lager beer. The two different catagories of beer are lager or ale, it refers to what type of yeast is used, lager yeasts ferment at colder temperatures and at the bottom of the barrel. Ale yeasts ferment at warmer temperatures andat the top of the barrel.

I prefer to drink my beer in a glass, it doesnt matter to me whether its from a bottle oron tap.

Stella Artois...that i believe is a Euro pale lager, and although i have not had that one, i do enjoy the style

Artois Bock...that is a Euro Strong lager...very much like ice beers or malt liqours in the usa....ive never had artois bock but i am not a fan of the style

For my favorite brewer (brand) I am really into local beers and have found that New Glarus (Wisconsin), and Summit (Minnesota) both have very good brews

Right now i am really into 3 different styles: Stouts, Porters, and India Pale Ales.

Stouts and Porters are very similar to each other, the difference comes in the preparation of the malts one is roasted were the other is more lightly toasted. Both arent really known for a large bitter hop presence. Both typically have a cocoa or coffee flavor. My favorites are New Glarus Coffee Stout and Summt Great Northern Porter. Both are ale styles

India Pale Ales are known for there bitter hop presence and light malt presence in the flavor. This style was created because when india was part of the british empire, those in india wanted beer, the problem is that most beer would go bad on the long voyage by sea. Hops acts as a preservative and allowed the beer to survive the journey. My favorites are Summit India Pale Ale, and New Glarus Hop Hearty IPA

you're moms culo for all 3.



I have no preference as to style. I drink what my mood or my food tells me. As far as containers go, I prefer draft from a busy establishment. I choose can over bottle because the taste of the beer is not effected by light. Don't let anyone tell you they can taste the can, those problems were solved years ago. The say that because that's what their fathers said. (just my opinion)

enjoy then !

I'm a Belgian and for us Stella Artois (which is brewed in Belgium) is just a common lager beer (lager or Pilsner are synonyms, as Pilsner refers to the origin of this kind of beer first brew in the Tjech town Pilsen).
Ale is a amber beer, mostly brew in Anglo-saxon countries though we have brew them also like Palm.
Best you drink your beer in the appropriate glass.

In Belgium the best beers are in general considered to be the Trappist beers made by 6 Belgian Abbeys and one Dutch Abbey. They are very strong beers.

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