How often do you get drunk?!

Question: Be honest!

Answers: Be honest!

It'd be easier if I tried to figure out how often I'm sober. I love college.


Every chance I get.

Id day 4 -5 times a month...on average, then ill go like 4 months without a sip of alcohol. Then a couple like that.

Really depends if im in a relationship, how much money i have at that time, and on my friends.

3-4 times/year.

use to be every weekend but maybe once a month atm.

4-5 times a week. More if I can afford it.


i have never had a drink in my life so never

plus i am only 17

whenever we have alcohol and soda or juice in the house. I'm a wimp i can't do shots, i need a mixed to drown out the taste of the alcohol.

About 3 times a week, but then again I'm an alcoholic.

Lots and lots. I'm heartbroken sitting on steps of my front door looking at the empty bottle. Where has my love gone?! Don't let life pass you by. This summer you can sit by me at the local bar enjoying life to its fullest. Beers, drinks, pull-tabs, darts and of course pool. And drinking parties at friends' houses. It's gonna be the best summer ever!

before i got pregnant, about 1-2 times per week. During college, 2+ a week. But how drunk? i would say that more than half of those times i was hella buzzed, not "i don't know what i did last night" drunk. i had to take care of my super drunk friends and help THEM find their way home, make sure they didn't get raped. I miss college...

Not often anymore since I got sick from mixing alcohol.

Each time I drink, I drink within my limits, so I don't get drunk at all.
Never get drunk even though I have been drinking for umpteen years.

i use to get drunk all the time. i'm a recovering alcoholic, days are over. alcoholism is a terrible thing.

Every time i have a beer or two...which leads to 3 or 20...I'm a biguy, what can i say. + college doesn't help any xP

every saturday and/or friday night but im only 17 so keep it on the downlow

Ever Since I Quit Drinking, I've Been Really Thirsty!

Not enough. It is time for me to pull a tore up from the floor up weekend.

every damn night

I have only been drunk about two times. Now I get buzzed maybe once a month. sometimes more sometimes less

Never. I love beer, but I try to drink in moderation.

I don't really go to parties since I can legally buy it now, and I have to pay for the stuff. It's not cheap haha. Plus, it's fun just to watch everyone around you turn into douchebags. You can have fun, and wake up the next morning feeling fine. AND still enjoy the beer.

I did get a little tipsy and had a huge buzz going on once when I switched drinks several times. But I was still sober...

2-3 times a month

every weekend atleast once if I don't just drink the whole weekend because i'm 23 and still go to school. usually i'll have a few drinks during the week but i wouldn't say i get drunk

every weekend at least

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