What is your favorie beer?!
Lets do a couple of categories.
Favorite by price
favorite by flavor
favorite by availability
favorite overall
Answers: I mean beers. I have several favorites.
Lets do a couple of categories.
Favorite by price
favorite by flavor
favorite by availability
favorite overall
dark beers, for sure (if you're going for taste).
my fave is stella artois
by price: miller lite
by flavor: bass ale
by availability: miller lite
favorite overall: miller lite
price: Busch
flavor: Guinness
availability: Busch
overall: Guinness
price- old Milwaukee
flavor- red stripe
availability- Coors
overall- red stripe
Price: Pabst's Blue Ribbon.
It's cheap, and it doesn't taste so bad!
Flavor: Guinness
It's tart, tangy, and delicious.
Availability: Corona.
It's good! And everyone always has it!
Overall: Heineken.
Not too expensive, great tasting, and usually around.
Favorite by price: Free beer
favorite by flavor: Corona
favorite by availability: Corona
favorite overall: Corona
Price: Sonoma Black Stout
Flavor: Sam Adams Oatmeal Stout
Avalibility: Suprema (from El Salvador-Y Que?)
Overall: Stone Levitation Ale
Price: Victory Storm King Stout
Flavor: Olfabrikken Porter
Availability: Southern Tier Oat
Overall: Olfabrikken Porter
p.s. most of the beers listed in the answers above me are awful. Red Stripe is your favorite by flavor? Come on.
Beers contain alcohol. alcohol is scientifically proved to injure the brain cells. It deprives the brain of oxygen which then leads to killing brain cells. Brain cells are the ONLY cells in our bodies which do not regenerate. Once dead, there's no replacement cell waiting to take it's place. Therefore, it also increases ones chances of getting Alzheimer's sooner in life which means we'll be veggies for a longer period than we should. I could go on for 17 more pages of bad things beer can do.
So, grow up, get a good education (starting with the above), drink more kool-ade and water. Let the others kill themselves so you can be left here to take care of all those young women left behind by the beer drinkers! LOL
Favorite by Price : Price doesn't matter, taste does.
Favorite by Flavor: Michelob and Leinenkugels, also that new
Favorite by availability: Probably the Mich
Favorite Overall: Mich
bY pRICE: Coors Light
Flavor: Blue Moon, Heffeweisen, Samuel Adams
Availability: Corona
Fav Overall: Any imported Beer
Favorite by price natural lite(best for keggers)
Favorite by flavor MGD
Favorite by availability OLD STYLE
Favorite overall Nati lite
Favorite by price = any "free" beer
Favorite by flavor = Michelob AmberBock
Favorite by availability = MGD
Favorite overall = Samuel Adams Winter Lager
Favorite by price: Sam Adams Boston Lager
favorite by flavor: varies depending on mood, right now Rochefort 10
favorite by availability Again Sam Adams Boston Lager, found almost anywhere and far better than Bud/Miller/Coors
favorite overall: again varies, currently Rochefort 10
Beer is really healthy
By price: Budweiser
By flavor: Pílsener (Ecuador)
By availability: Corona
Favorite overall: Miller
bud light