Those chaser plus pills that prevent hangovers?!

Question: do those work? or are they just a placebo. anyone tried them?

Answers: do those work? or are they just a placebo. anyone tried them?

Most of the people here are partially right. Hangovers are caused by three things dehydration, hypoglycemia, and a build up of acetic acid. Chaser pills work help with two of these problems and the instructions help with the dehydration.

Chaser pills contain glucose which helps with the hypoglycemia they also contain vitamin b12 (b12 deficiency is a theoretical cause of some aspects of a hangover) and activated charcoal which helps to filter out the acetic acid. The instructions also tell you to drink two glasses of water with each pill and take one pill per every two drinks up to four. After four drinks there is really nothing you can do medically and your body just has to work it out for itself.

Another reputed "cure" for hangovers is prickly pear juice (but good luck finding it) which works on the same basic principles.


They're sugar pills. A hangover is caused not only by dehydration, but also by very low blood sugar. After a night of drinking (even somewhat heavily) I drink a 20 oz bottle of gatorade (sugar/electrolytes) and take a BC Powder (aspirin/caffeine) and feel just fine the next day. Eating after drinking helps me too, but I dunno if that's just me or if it works for everyone.

*Forgot to mention that yes, I have in fact tried the Chaser Plus pills, and unfortunately I thought they were absolute crap. I'll stick to my gatorade/aspirin regimen. :)

it all depends on how much u worked for me a couple of times. although one night at the club .........I took some and the next morning i had a hang wasnt that bad of a hangover..........that night i was drinking enough for three people.

TONS of water and a little something else - vitamins, headache pills, light snack - but I think it's the water that's the "active ingredient".

I've not tried the pills, but I lean toward placebo.

Methinks a placebo effect would not work for hangovers. By the way, they aren't sugar pills. Its activated charcoal. I've never used them though, so I can't say how well they will work.

They sort of work, but are just expensive and unnecessary.

Hangovers are caused by dehydration and hypoglycemia.
You can avoid having dehydration by drinking some water for every drink you have, and to eat something, probably with high carbohydrate or sugar, like bread, or even candy.

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