How do I stop being drunk?!

Question: I've been having a really tough day and I just shotgunned three Coors Cutters. And I'm almost too drunk to type this...Any way to sober up? I don't ever drink.

Answers: I've been having a really tough day and I just shotgunned three Coors Cutters. And I'm almost too drunk to type this...Any way to sober up? I don't ever drink.

Coors cutters? That's some hard stuff right there!

I'd suggest some coffee, but you dont' drink it. So, Have an aspirin and a long nap. When you're up to it, get your kids to make you a play doh pizza. :P

Drink some water and find something to eat. It won't have an instant effect, but it'll help. And sleep.

lots of water then go for a sleep.

stop drinking.

Eat some bread or something else with a lot of carbs to soak up the alcohol.

coors cutters is n/a beer. so i'd say you're faking it or don't know what you're talking about.

Coors Cutters don't have alcohol do they? I thought they quit selling that crap years ago... anyways.. just drink some coffee and take a shower...

Drink three shots of vodka. It'll quickly counteract the effects of the crappy, fruity beer you just drank and you'll be fine.

Drive to an AA meeting immediately!

LOL, I'm sorry your having such a bad day. The only way to sober up is to stop drinking. I hope your day gets better. Once you start to sober up you will get tired and want to sleep. Maybe your day will not seem so bad once you wake up.

first you have to set the glass down and get some food in your tummy. the drink lots fo water, the next time you feel like having alcohol, just remember what it was like tobe drunk the first time. if that doesnt help go to an AA meeting and see what a life is like for an alcoholic.

Go to the store and get some of those little capsules for kids that turn into dinosaurs and whatnot when you put them in water.

Swallow 10-12 of those. As they expand, they will soak up the alcohol, returning you to sobriety.

You sound like a cheap date. what are you doing on Friday night?

Don't drink water...You need some food to absorb the alcohol...

Its easy NOT to be a drunk...DON'T DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

Yeah, take a deep breath...and well, that's it.

Try the same way you got drunk, mind over matter. Cutters is alcohol free.

Well, you still haven't, so it's okay then. Non-alcohol drink making you drunk on what exactly? Life? Funny stuff! LOL

eat eat eat. it'll soak up stuff. drink lots of water and try to drink a little coffee.

This situation calls for a little more of the hair of the dog that bit you! Good luck!

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I have that same problem every time I drink a Shirley Temple. If I drink more than about two- I am dancing on the tables all night.

don't lose hope. it is VeryVERY possible to stop. You want to. God wants you to. Satan would hate for you to. thank you for typing this even though it was hard to. Reading it gave me a charge because of how it worried our common adversary that you wanted free from his clamp.

bad thing that u dont drink,cause it just rocks.but if u wanna sober up,just eat something and drink alot of water and non-alcoholic juices

DO NOT EAT BREAD! The yeast in bread will mess you up even more.

Coors Cutters. haha! The best thing to do is hit a bottom. So I would start taking shots of Tequila and then go hit on fat sloppy men. That will make you want to sober up. It worked for me. After a crazy night with a fat dude, I said enough is enough.

Think about Hillary Clinton becoming our next president. That should sober anyone up. Really fast.

I think you need to get more serious and go from the Coors Cutters straight to Apple Beer.

And then go on a date with Producer Jeff.

Throw out the booze, drink some water and when you sober up, re-read the section in D&C about the word of wisdom. Get ahold of yourself man!!

pick a fight with somebody bigger than you. i hear it works every time.

I'm ready!!! Let's go ROAM!

K- Bad Tim- you should go to pets- dogs, and ask what breed is better- a Shi-Tsu or a Great Dane....


i dont know what a coors cutter is, but at least 2 people say it is non alcholic.
Lol are you faking?
what is roaming, especially on Yahoo?

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