I dont know when to stop drinking?!

Question: Well I only go out 2-3 times a month, and when I do I like to party. But the thing is when I start to drink I dont know when to stop so I end up getting trashed and 99% of the time I black out and the next day I cant remember what happened. I've lost and/or broken 3 digital cameras in the past year from this. My boyfriend thinks I am embarrassing and out of control, my friends say he's over reacting and I dont act that bad. My question is how do I know my limit, how do I know when I've had enough when I'm under the influence. I mean I dont want to quit drinking and Im not an alcoholic. Please no mean or sarcastic answers this is a serious question. Thank you.

Answers: Well I only go out 2-3 times a month, and when I do I like to party. But the thing is when I start to drink I dont know when to stop so I end up getting trashed and 99% of the time I black out and the next day I cant remember what happened. I've lost and/or broken 3 digital cameras in the past year from this. My boyfriend thinks I am embarrassing and out of control, my friends say he's over reacting and I dont act that bad. My question is how do I know my limit, how do I know when I've had enough when I'm under the influence. I mean I dont want to quit drinking and Im not an alcoholic. Please no mean or sarcastic answers this is a serious question. Thank you.

I usually drink constantly until i begin to feel drunk. Then i'll have a snack and some water. After that, if i feel like i'm not too drunk and can keep drinking, i have another drink but drink it slow. I usually keep drinking slowly untill i think i feel drunk and then i stop again.

It took me a while to realize my limits and i used to be like you. Every once and a while i get out of control but i've learned if i pace myself and learn my limits, i am fine.

One thing you might want to watch out for is mixed drinks. I used to just assume that have six vodka and cranberrys are like 6 beers, not realizing that each drink had about 4 shots of vodka in it. Then i could not understand why i was so drunk after 6 drinks as opposed to 6 beers.

good luck and don't forget, pace yourself and take breaks!! you'll be getting drunk and not sloppy in no time. hope i helped!

You are a classic binge drinker. I am the same way. We drink to get that "feeling". It is a problem because you can hurt yourself or someone else. When you blackout you have know idea what embarrassing stuff you do. OK, a solution would be to set a limit, tell yourself I can only have 4 drinks tonight. Or have a sober trusting friend stop you when you start acting goofy.

when you start feeling drunk, stop drinking

One good way to stop is to not start. Be responsible. If you know that you are unable to stop once you start - then simply don't start.

You say that you don't want to stop all together, and that you're not an alcoholic. You can try setting a limit of 2 or 3 drinks, but once you get to that point, you'll forget what you told yourself, and will continue to drink and get "trashed" once again.

As for not being an alcoholic, I've been to far too many AA meetings with a long time friend of mine to even comment on this statement.

I wish you the best, and I'll save you a seat.

Drink a bit, and see if you can handle that
then the next time, a bit more
then, you can find out your limit.

Have a drink, then drink a glass of water. Do this every time. By the time you're done drinking the glass of water, the alcohols effects will have set in more and you can guage your drunkenness accordingly. Plus, the water will keep you from getting that nasty hangover in the morning.

Many of us reach that point in our 20s or 30s. One solution is to party at home. If you're going to drink, do it at home. That also keeps you from driving & Keeps your car safe.

Another solution is to say you're going to have only 1 (or 2) and then that's all for the night. If you order mixed drinks, get a side glass of mix and keep adding it to your drink and just nurse it. The problem is, once you have a drink or two, you blow off that plan & keep drinking. So really, drinking at home is the best.

If you do not know when to stop.......You are an alcoholic, just because you do not drink every day, doesn't make it so. You are a binge drinker and still an alcoholic

Only have 1 or 2 servings and stop.
Not only will your liver thank you, you won't embarrass anyone.

Not to be offensive but if you can't stop, you shouldn't start...

If you can't have fun without drinking , maybe you need to reexamine your priorities....

Ok your boyfriend is right. sadly your friends are not going to tell you that you have a problem because they still want to party with you. The best thing to do is have 1-2 drinks. Because even if you want to face the fact that your becoming an alcoholic. you really should slow down on the drinking. The fact that you are blacking out is something you should be worried about. Crazy things can happen its better to have a couple of drinks then to wind up in a situation you never wanted to be in. good luck

I think the best thing for you to do would be have a set amount of drinks you're going to have for the night before you even get to the party/club/bar/etc. If you say to yourself "I'm only going to have three [or whatever] drinks tonight," that will help. Just make sure the number you choose is far less than you usually have. If it turns out to be too much, cut it down after that. If you think you can handle a little more, then maybe you can increase it, as long as you're being honest with yourself.

Also, go out on a full stomach, and make sure your drinks aren't so strong. Enjoy alcohol, don't just blast your system with it.

Ask your boyfriend to support you in keeping to your commitment. But really, when it comes down to it, no one but yourself can make you stop. Good luck!

how much do u regularly drink at a party mayb just find that out and drink half (thats a start) that much partying is kool but u dont have to drink 4 it 2 b a party stay on the dance floor talk to friends u dont have to stop drinking wen u want that extra drink just think about the consequences (hang overs the next day blacking out car accident) hope that helps a little

This is very easy - ignore all the people calling you an alcoholic - for every drink, have a glass of water or soda before your next drink. Then don't have more than 2 real drinks an hour. You'll be buzzed but not too drunk.

Make a pact with your friends or boyfriend. Tell them that you are only going to have 2-3 drinks, and they need to help you to stop when you've had that much - make them promise to help you. As you learn how you feel with a specific amount, you will learn to pace yourself and eventually you may not need someone else to tell you when to stop.

I had the same problem a few years back.. it is extremely important to be in control - remember this. Blacking out 2-3 times a month is way above what you should be doing. Trust me, it is TOO MUCH. Few tips:

Drink Slowly
Stop when you feel dizzy
Have food before you drink

Remember - Alcohol is unhealthy. With the way you were so casual about it, I dont think you are aware that a lot of people have never woken up after blacking out and have died in the sleep due to organ failure. It can be extremely, extremely, extremely dangerous - black out IS a near death symptom. People love you and there are a lot of people who depend on you. Force yourself to get out of this if it is not easy otherwise. I do hope this helps you.

stop drinking fruity mixed drinks some of them are loaded with like 10 diffrent kinds of booze and of course everyone knows when you start mixing booze your asking for trouble. keep it simple rum and coke ,gin and tonic, beeror just straight up on the rocks youll know better how much and what you drank so on and so on. take it slow it is better to be stone sober and enjoying yourself than blacking out and puking your guts out for the next couple days

Sorry to burst your bubble, but what you describe is a textbook definition of an alcoholic! And I AM SERIOUS!

It's pretty hard to know anything when you are under the influence of alcohol. One of the first things you loose when you start drinking is your ability to judge well and control your own behaviour. That's why you don't know when to stop drinking, once you start.

One way to overcome this problem is to foresee your loss of judgement and decide ahead of time how much you are going to drink before you stop. And then you won't have to make any judgements while you are under the influence of alcohol. All you would need to do is remember what you've decided earlier. And perhaps you can ask a friend to remind you, in case you forget.

I'm not sure you want to hear this, but it sounds like you have a problem. You can have a problem with alcohol and not drink every day - even every month.

I *seriously* suggest taking a break from drinking. Think about what it really means to you. If you CAN'T go out and have a good time without it, then I suggest getting some outside help.

If you can feel comfortable in your skin and not NEED a drink to unwind or feel confident, then maybe just slow down. Alternate a glass of booze with a glass of water. Don't do shots. Everyone is different, so there is no clear cut answer anyone can give you about this, you just have to figure it out.

Take care, and remember that you need to look out for you. Friends are incredible and we need them, but sometimes we get the toxic kind...the kind that just like us because we act a certain way, or do certain things. Not because of who we are.

Think about who YOU are.

try to limit yourself to 2 drinks the first hour and 1 every hour after that. that's what i do when we go out so that i don't get crazy. make sure you're not drinking mixed drinks so that you know how much alcohol is in your drink. the bartenders sometimes put well over a shot in mixed drinks.

ok lets step back a second and address the situation at hand. You are a horrible person with absolutely no control over yourself. You are petty, selfish, unreliable, and just a pathetic person. Why do I say that? Because you recognize your addiction and your behavior and you REFUSE to do anything about it. 2-3 times a month means almost every single weekend you are trashed and acting like a mess with no regard to those around you. You know why your boyfriend hasn't left you? Because your a skank who puts out. Wake up you dumb brawd, within 3 years you'll be a worn out sack of fat and bitter that you have no future, no more looks, few friends besides your 'drinkin buddies' and no man who would look at you as more than a booty call. You have very little time to fix this problem, or you will be a miserable bitter old hag before you know it.

Then YOU set a limit. Three, PERIOD

Simple Answer: You answered your own question. "when I start to drink I don't know when to stop".

Now that is a pretty good indicator that YOU SHOULD NEVER DRINK period!

Of course it's embarrassing to anyone accompanying you if you are out of control and behaving like a bar maid! You are in need of Alcoholics Anonymous because you admit "I dont want to quit drinking and Im not an alcoholic". Rubbish.

You ARE AN ALCOHOLIC in denial. This is not being sarcastic. I am being serious. I AM AN ALCOHOLIC going sober on 22 years now. I see myself in you. Until I admitted who I was, I could not change.

The first thing in AA is we have to admit by saying I AM AN ALCOHOLIC. Once you know WHO you are, you can begin to cure your habit. Until them, WE ARE ALCOHOLICS in denial. Period.

it just happens but you should stop when you are felling you are not being you !!!!

The truth is you have alcoholic behavior, Okay now i will tell you how i know, I used to drink the same way only at partys on the weekends that led to 3 dui's and now i have interlock, the good news is that i now do not drink. I've been to 76 level 2 therapy classes and know now that i am an alcoholic anytime you drink to get drunk or blackout that is not a good sign at class they consider blackouts the worst of drinkers maybe you won't except this but that is addictive behavior. best thing to do is quit now and find other things to do...

If you drink so much that you black out... you have a problem.
If you drink so much that you can't remember what happened... you have a problem.
If you drink so much that you consistently break things... you have a problem.

The first step is admitting this to yourself. Having a drinking problem is in no way shape or form dependent solely on how often you drink.

A person can drink no more than a couple times a year, but if they drink so much that they black out then it's binge drinking.. and you guessed it they would have a problem.

Now then....

Firstly I'm somewhat alarmed that your friends think this isn't something to worry about. I'm not sure if they do the same thing, but if so that would be one explanation... if they don't do the same thing either they aren't very good friends, in denial about it... or simply don't want to tell you the truth. Perhaps even a combination of the three.

Secondly it sounds like your boyfriend really cares about you and is scared more than anything. I can't blame him, because from the sounds of things you are drinking an alarming amount of alcohol at any one time. People have and will continue to die from binge drinking. Hate to be blunt, though I feel that I must. One of these times 'blacking out' you might not wake back up...

You might thing I'm exaggerating, but people have and will continue to die from binge drinking.

Not drinking at all for awhile and doing some inner reflecting would be a good option, but assuming you are going to in fact drink anyway.... you should be honest with yourself and it goes back to the above... *admit* that you do in fact have a problem and make a personal vow that you are going to have no more than a couple drinks.... and by a couple drinks I literally mean a couple, as in no more than one or two.

Stick to this vow and if you feel that help will be needed to stick to it, talk to someone you can trust.. be it your boyfriend.. friends.. family members.. tell them you could use some help and use them to help you stick to the vow.

If all else fails as much as you won't want to hear it, AA might be worth considering.

In the end words over the internet only mean so much and can only help to a certain degree. This is something you are going to have to figure out and I wish you only the best in terms of doing so.

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