What was the first drink you got drunk on...?!

Question: Mine was vodka and lime...never drank it since.

Answers: Mine was vodka and lime...never drank it since.

Well it was Christmas, I was nine and my mum gave us white wine to have with our dinner and then I had a 'few' 'harmless' Dubonnet & Lemonades...

It was a cracker... I was fine until the fresh air hit me. I rode my brand new BMX straight into a tree!!!

Special brew, only had half a can!

pernod and black

a bottle of concorde when i was 15 lol - how sad is that?!

Stolen stella and white wine.

Scotch. I've been drunk on it many times since!


lols some cheap cider wernt very old !!

Captain Morgan mixed with Dr. Pepper.

vodka and coke. Funny how I can't stand the smell or taste of vodka anymore (even with coke).

vodka and red bull


Sherry! Christmas, I was 5. Damn that family of mine.

Sangria - i was 4 1/2 years old. went round finishing off peoples 'fruit drinks' at parents bbq party. No idea it wasnt ribena. Big hangover. Not a good start!!!

Tia Maria. It was my cousins 18th birthday. I was 16. I can't stand the smell of it now.
Surprisingly I never had a hangover. I've only had 1 in the 30 years since, and that was when I drank a Chinese drink.

hock nasty drink

Good old fashioned cider.

I think it was white lightning...the cheapest i could find lol.

I swore never to drink it again after falling in the canal, that soon changed lol.

tennents lager 30p a pint in a nightclub.

Kestrel Lager, it tasted lovely. I used to by 4 cans for £1.60 !!

a slushie with a quarter bottle of rum added to it.. a little bit strong to say the least..

those little aftershock colourful shot things. lol they werent very nice at all.

Cider - White Lightening. I have not touched the stuff since then.



cheap nasty cider that the local winos in the park wouldn't even touch. and no, i can't drink it now either.

edit: it too was white lightening - god we were so sick my poor nan had to throw the mattress in my room away! lol.


Beer,One pint of tetley dark mild,Drank bitter ever since.

Boonesfarm Strawberry Hill.

oh god this was years ago!! I think red wine......hate the stuff now :P

White wine!

my husbands was bud light and mine was crown royal , jim beam, and jose cuervo..pretty bad that i was wasted but i still kinda remember,...but cant stand jose anymore..as you can see i didnt go for the sissy stuff either

20/20 with a straw ! and half a bottle of white lightening thought i was great lol

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