How much does it take for you to get drunk?!

Question: for me as I am short it takes about 2 drinks for me to start feeling the effect but that is normaly my limit as well

Answers: for me as I am short it takes about 2 drinks for me to start feeling the effect but that is normaly my limit as well

for me cuz i don't drink ..(on blood thinner medication -and alcohol thins your blood)...but it takes me 2 drinks to get "drunk"...I personally don't like the feeling of being "drunk"* but to each and their own*~

depends on your age, weight, height, how much you normally drink.
before i was pregnant i was pretty tiny, & didnt drink very often so depending on the drink as well & its alcohol contant .. 3/4 drinks lol i know i was so pathetic ..

$23.00 @ my local, sans tip

erm are you asking people specifically or in general?
In general its different for each person. for me I am pathetic.. just one WKD will do it -_-

Hmmm, not an awful lot, 6 or 7 pints I guess but I only get to a certain level of drunkeness and can continue drinking all night.

Before responsibility, back in my partying days I was almost always the last man standing, everyone else would be asleep or sick and I'd be wide awake and ready for more, but usually ended up having to call it a night too because drinking on your own is really no fun!

Those days are long gone though, I'm the epitome of respectability

few bottles of wine. about 10 mixed drinks. 6-10 shots.
about 6-8 beers.
depends on what i drink and how fast really

It really varies by person. For me 9 beers gets me drunk and I weigh 115 lbs but I have been through college and at first three beers was the token amount. Many things also play into effect, like what you eat before, or what you are drinking. Alcohol of course gets you drunk quicker. Remember liquor before beer your in the clear.

5 drinks

About $10 bucks, I drink Grey Goose Vodka on the rocks.

About 2 glasses of wine without eating any food.

on a friday-saturday night.....i probably get drunk off 8-10 shots of jack or 8-10 beers but i keep going. so i'd say in a night...10-15 shots of liquer(mixed drink or not) and about 12 beers( 6 normal and the other 6 in beer pong)

hmm I feel buzzed for 4 then after a 6 pack im felling pretty good. For me to get drunk tho I would say about 8 or 9 beers with some vodka on the side

pretty much.sometimes im kinda sober after 3l of beer,well not sober but im concious and i still know what im doing :P

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