Why does alcohol make you retain water?!

Question: It's supposed to dehydrate you, maybe it's what your mixing with that makes you retain water.. because when I used to drink I did retain quite a bit of water.

Answers: It's supposed to dehydrate you, maybe it's what your mixing with that makes you retain water.. because when I used to drink I did retain quite a bit of water.

alcohol dehydrates you!

It doesn't... at all.
Alcohol is a diuretic - it cleanses your bladder (makes you drain it a lot)
The effect from that is dehydration - that's why it gives you a dry mouth and you want a lot of water to drink the next morning...


As I said, it dehydrates you because of its diuretic properties. That's why you have to pee so often when you drink... you are letting out more liquid than you are consuming... hence you become dehydrated.

Alcohol actually makes you drop your water weight. In a night of drinking, your brain can lose up to 30% of it's mass from dehyration. Maybe it is all the salty chips and peanuts you are eating when you drink that are causing you to retain water.


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