Why do my hangovers get worse as I get older?!

Question: I used to be a champ... normal college freshman... I could drink throw up, pass out, then wake up the next morning, eat breakfast, go to class. Now just 3 years later, I would never be able to do that. My stomach gets the best of me and I end up being sick the whole next day or even throwing up all next day if it is too bad... Alcohol doesn't affect me as much either I can drink tons and keep a clear head.... Why?

Answers: I used to be a champ... normal college freshman... I could drink throw up, pass out, then wake up the next morning, eat breakfast, go to class. Now just 3 years later, I would never be able to do that. My stomach gets the best of me and I end up being sick the whole next day or even throwing up all next day if it is too bad... Alcohol doesn't affect me as much either I can drink tons and keep a clear head.... Why?

You are probably consuming more, to get that buzz.
If you are a smoker, that can and will make it worse.

It seems 2 me that you were never a ( champ) at drinking . Ive been drinking for 35 yrs if not better, And I am an alcoholic... back 2 question if your a champ at drinking you don't throw up! Doing that means you shouldn't drink so much! or tons try just beer and stop the mixing lol good luck finding intelligent answer...

you only get bad hangovers if you pass out, your brain gets all mixed up, lower the concentration of your drinks if you think your gonna pass out. then go to sleep BEFORE you have the chance to pass out

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