Should I open a Brewery?!

Question: O.K. I'm only 15. I know it may sound stupid to be interested in this at my age, but i really like beer. I don't drink it to get drunk, I just like it alot, and I want to make it when I'm old enough, because, well, I kind of respect it. I have been studying over the past few months how to do it, and I think I could do it. But anyway, is it a good idea to be a brewer for a living, or is this just a stupid pipe dream that has virtually no chance of success?

Answers: O.K. I'm only 15. I know it may sound stupid to be interested in this at my age, but i really like beer. I don't drink it to get drunk, I just like it alot, and I want to make it when I'm old enough, because, well, I kind of respect it. I have been studying over the past few months how to do it, and I think I could do it. But anyway, is it a good idea to be a brewer for a living, or is this just a stupid pipe dream that has virtually no chance of success?

Brewing beer is a perfectly legitimate business (given a person is of the legal drinking age), so it's certainly not a pipe dream. However, there are some issues to consider and courses of action to take to get there:

1. Brewing beer in an ancient process that people have perfected over a long period of time. To be a good brewer, you will need to learn that history and how beer is actually made. The best way to do this is to get a job in a brewery, learning the tricks of the trade, etc. Of course, you will need to be 21 before you are legally able to do this.

2. Breweries are expensive to set up, so you'll need a lot of start up money and the proper knowledge. Anyone who starts any business has a huge uphill battle to success, no matter how good their product may be.

I think you have some good ideas, but here's my advice: get a good education first. Go to college, take business classes, learn as much as you can about how to do what you want to do. Brewing beer is only one part of having a company that sells beer and makes a profit that way.

Good luck to you!

It would be difficult to purchase all of the required equipment and materials for any substantial amount of brewing when you're young and just getting off to a start. It's also difficult getting your product into restaurants and pubs, unless you really had something unique and delicious.

What I would recommend is get yourself a job, and run this experiment as a side project. Try different methods of brewing until you think that you have a good product, then get some friends to try it and to give you honest feedback. Don't start trying to sell your product until you have something special worth selling, otherwise it's doubtful you would be able to overcome the popular and well-established and funded beers.

Definitely try it though, it's good to hear about a kid who isn't drinking simply to get wasted, and enjoys and respects beer and the process of making it.

I wish you all of the best, I think you should pursue it, at least as a hobby, if not more should you happen to be successful.

Please do =)

i don't see why not, all the people that own brewery's had to have a dream. when you do open one, you can hire my oldest to work for you, she will need a job by then....i think it's great you have a goal set at your age...i wish my kids had some kind of goal ....good luck

ok dude first let me say awsome idea brewing is a fine art that has been kind of lost in todays world, yet i would suggest starting off with some home brewing kits to try it out and learn the basics of brewing, I have tried several different ones and some are better then others but its all about how you brew, I;d say give it a shot whats the worst that happens you make Natural Ice?

you should open a brewery, yeah.
maybe you want to work at someone else's brewery for a few years to learn what to do.
the brewers i've met (anchor steam, lagunitas) make a great living and love their jobs. what more can you ask for?

Greg, this is a really good idea, but do you know what money we are talking about?!

Opening a brewery is a great idea. You are going to want to go to school at the American brewers guild when you graduate high school. I would start by making small home brew batches to learn the basics. Micro breweries are a big market right now and I don't think things are going to change. Try to find a local brewery that you could do some work at and get your feet wet. It may not be glamorous work at first but if you can get the master brewer to show you the ropes and what not it will be worth it. You will probably want to take some college courses on business and also micro-biology once you graduate. A lot of the master brewers in the US have gone to the American Brewers Guild! Here's the link. Good luck to you! I wish you the best!

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