For wine makers again?!

Question: i want to get a starter kit and i'm about to buy one over the internet but they have kits for grapes, juices, fruits, and so on. now if i buy a kit and it says grapes, can i use the same kit to make a wine with fruit or juice if i want?

Answers: i want to get a starter kit and i'm about to buy one over the internet but they have kits for grapes, juices, fruits, and so on. now if i buy a kit and it says grapes, can i use the same kit to make a wine with fruit or juice if i want?

Without seeing the specific kit I'd say yes. The equipment is typically not specific to what is being fermented. I make apple and pear cider with the same equipment I use to brew beer. My brother uses the exact same equipment to make both grape wine, mead, and fruit wines, like strawberry.


usually those kits are just the ingredients... So there will most likely only be enough for that one kit in there... There are wine shops that you can buy the ingredients in bulk though..
Also watch out... if you buy the kit... check to see if it comes with the containers you need to ferment.
You need a Carboid and a plastic 6 gallon bucket... along with a bunch of tubes and stirers and stuff... Good luck!!

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