Getting alcohol into the derby infield?!

Question: I'm going for the first time this year and heard the beers are ridiculously overpriced. I'm looking for methods people have seen of sneaking alcohol in since they don't allow beverage bottles of any kind or coolers anymore.

Also, how strictly do they search you? Any tips on the infield experience are appreciated.

Answers: I'm going for the first time this year and heard the beers are ridiculously overpriced. I'm looking for methods people have seen of sneaking alcohol in since they don't allow beverage bottles of any kind or coolers anymore.

Also, how strictly do they search you? Any tips on the infield experience are appreciated.

Inject an orange with a lot of vodka - instant screwdriver. (If you wear a medical ident bracelet claiming that you're diabetic, it's even easier - you have to carry an orange in case your blood sugar drops.)

Ziplock bag of your favourite alcohol - then you just have to buy the soda.

You may want to consider what might be the reason for the rule, before you break it ..

sneak in some beers.....make sure you have a mini mayhem so you can beer bong those puppies on the down low.....

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