What do you take in your whisky? water or ice?!

Question: Bit o' both.
Water so it doesn't knock me out, and sometimes ice if i want it cold.

Put rasberries on the simmer for as long as you like, and put them in a glass of whiskey, YUM!

Answers: Bit o' both.
Water so it doesn't knock me out, and sometimes ice if i want it cold.

Put rasberries on the simmer for as long as you like, and put them in a glass of whiskey, YUM!

neither I like neat

is that not the same
just colder

I take whiskey with my whiskey

The best thing to put in whisky is more whisky

on the rocks for me

Just like Kylie, - neat and single

What sacrilege. I suppose next you'll be telling us you like lemonade in your beer.

Hot water ,a slice of lemon 1 teaspoon of sugar and a few cloves for a lovely hot toddy.


some ice and some coca cola if you want to enjoy it, if not just ice

hot water and a teaspoon of sugar (only when i have a cold though) cant stand it otherwise.

Double on the rocks if possible. Drink quickly so as not to water down. I like it cold, but not diluted. If this is not possible, straight up, from the bottle if necessary.

Ice...I've never heard of someone putting liquid water into their whiskey.

using the words of my 86 year old grandpa 'more whiskey' lol me personally i dont like it dont even like the smell of it

I have Whisky and Ginger Wine. Its called a Whisky Mack.

On the Rocks,

ice & coke lots of ice & it has to be coca cola (the real thing)

As a nightcap, or a cold cure. fresh squeezed lemon juice. sugar and a generous measure of whisky. Otherwise I like Jack Daniels and coke.

Neither, I prefer cream.

I like it neat, the only thing I put in it is more whisky, lemonade spoils it and I am sure it will go to your head quicker because of the gas in the lemonade. ice is not so bad it will keep the whiskey cool but don't overdo the ice CHEERS

If it is good Scotch, I like a splash of cold water.

If it's bourbon I take it on the rocks
If it is less expensive scotch, I will give it a few drops of water.
If it is a good single malt or blend then I always drink it neat.

Ginger ale.

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