Wine makers please help....again?!

Question: can a wine maker that knows what they are talking about click this site and tell me if any of the tree kits would be good to start making wine? and whats the difference between them.

Answers: can a wine maker that knows what they are talking about click this site and tell me if any of the tree kits would be good to start making wine? and whats the difference between them.

They're all good kits, and I think the middle one would be your best bet, since it comes with the fruit concentrate that should make it pretty simple to make your first batch of wine. The third kit, if you're going to get really serious about making wine, might not be a bad choice, because the fermenters are pretty fancy, and you wouldn't have to upgrade them later.

Personally, if you're in Missouri, another good place to check out is located in Ozark, MO. I've dealt with them a lot, and their wine equipment kits are very good and affordable. And they have a huge selection of wine concentrate kits that are nicely priced, and make really good wines.

Lastly, I'm not a fan of the mushroom top wine corks ECKraus is putting with their kits. You'd be better off ordering real wine corks and a corker if you plan on keeping your wines for a long amount of time.

Good luck!

They are good kits. I would go with the "Your Fruit" kit just because I like to add my own. The book will probably tell you to sanitize with campden tablets but I would get something like StarSan made by Fivestar chemicals. Also you will want a few carboys so you can transfer after initial fermentation. Read this link. The list of stuff you should have is near the bottom of the page.

My biggest suggestion is read the book you get with your kit, join a wine forum and ask lots of questions. Good luck!

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