What is your personal record for most consecutive days drinking?!

Question: I have been drinking everyday now since my gf left me on Sept 5, 2007. so I would say roughly about 190 days

Answers: I have been drinking everyday now since my gf left me on Sept 5, 2007. so I would say roughly about 190 days

I slept in between but I use to own a bar and I would drink every night, I did that for about a month straight before I let my liver have a break, now I don't ever drink. Its been over a year! I think I drank just to deal with all the drunks in the bar!! lol

This spring break, 14 days consecutive

Once or twice went about 3 weeks during holidays....never any other time though...body couln't take it.


if we dont count last summer break when i was having beer every damn day,id say its my trip to greece last year.i was drunk for 7 days lol,hell of a time

39 but to be clear I didn't get drunk the vast majority of those days. It was while I was working at a summer camp and I was 22. We worked until 9pm 11 out of every 14 days and had to be up and at 'em by 8am every day. We all lived at the camp and we're all about the same age. It was a good time for sure.

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