Smirnoff vodka?!

Question: whats the best flavor and what size should we get
theres 4 of us and we already have a 6 pack of mikes hard lemonade
also what is the best mikes flavor

Answers: whats the best flavor and what size should we get
theres 4 of us and we already have a 6 pack of mikes hard lemonade
also what is the best mikes flavor

Twisted Apple is the best. You should get a 40 oz. That should do the trick. And Mike's screw drivers are the best flavor. Have fun!!!

Mikes? I really don't know.
Myself i perfer the regular or rasberry flavor.

The lemon vodka goes down easiest.

mikes hard lemonade is good, just the normal lemonade is the best i love it. as for vodka, just normal, peach is NASTY, thats the only one i have had. just still to the norm if i were you


best mikes flavor is limade. all really do want to leave this world don't you??? like the Lemon flavored Vodka...add some orange juice, and bit of sweet and sour mix and serve with ice...and sip far as Mikes??? just give me the good ole plain Lemonade....but if you really want to can make the lemonade yourself....some good ole' fashion Tennessee Lemonade...yummie!!
Whiskey Jack Daniels of course
Sweet and sour
lemonade...frozen concentrate or carton kind.
mix...and you got yourself a true drink!! it will set you in a new world if you drink enough of it....Have fun..but be careful : )

EW I hate vodka! Doesnt sit well with my stomach now :/~ .. But When I use to drink I just drank regular smirnoff with orange juice or cranberry juice or other stuff to make yummy mixed drinks

get black cherry vodka...then mix with coke==cherry coke...yum. ( even try mixing it with vanilla cherry coke)

vanilla vodka.........mmmmm.....

mix it with soda like root beer then got a root beer float

or regular soda is good also

or cherry soda

Vodka is the best!! mmmmm mmmm good...

my motto--"save water drink vodka"

Well personally, my favorite Mike's flavor is Cranberry, they are delicious!
My favorite vodka flavor is usually raspberry, watermelon, or citrus. I'm a fan of vodka, and those three flavors always seem to mix well to make cocktails. Raspberry can be overpowering, so if you don't really like the taste of raspberry, stick with watermelon and are my two favorite vodka recipes to use!
Bay Breeze-watermelon or citrus Yummy!

Bull Frog-only citrus vodka or reg.

plain Smirnoff, **** the flavored stuff
never heard of the other stuff
i dunno what your tolarences are but for 4 get a 1ltr bottle (35oz)

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