Have you ever had Long Hammer IPA?!

Question: It's alright, a little less malty than I care for in an IPA but it's reasonably priced and widely available which is nice in a pinch.

Answers: It's alright, a little less malty than I care for in an IPA but it's reasonably priced and widely available which is nice in a pinch.

I had it once at an Irish pub. I didn't know what it was, so I gave it a shot. I can't say that it tastes like any american beer that I've had. It tasted good to me but it did have an after taste. Um...I would say try it, it's not gonna kill you.

I've bought a sixer or two of it . . . I like IPA's, and when on sale, it's a really good deal.

I think it's pretty good; it's not something I would pick up every time I go to the liquor store, but once in awhile, it's a nice change up.

Not bad, but a little bit on the grassy side for my taste. I like IPAs, but sometimes they can be more bitter and grassy, than nicely aromatic and flavorful. Like Alesmith said above, it could use a little bit of maltiness for balance. Still not a bad buy in the least.

I enjoy it. It's not quite as tasty as Stone IPA, but it is good, and about $2-3 less a six. If AleSmith is in any way involved in the beer company of the same name, he does good work.

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