How much wine are you supposed to drink a day to be healthy?!


How much wine are you supposed to drink a day to be healthy?

I tend to drink a bottle before I'll post a question. Is this good, bad, or does it just explain a lot?

Here is the real deal, and I think your question is funny! The thing that makes wine (through studies) good for you is the antioxidant content of the grapes that it is made of. There is a theory out there, that I subscribe to (I am a PSY Maj), that indicates the cultures that have a glass of whine a night are usually healthier because that is a relaxation thing for them. It is a way that they unknowingly eliminate stress (by being with family and having a good dinner and whine.) Don't know if you know but dinner with Italians is an all night affair! Coping or however you want to label it, it has been substantiated that you live longer if you eliminate stress or learn to FUNCTIONALLY deal with it...

Now here is what I think about your thread... "It just explains a lot!" You crack me up and that is one FUNNY question!!!!! Funny question and I couldn't help but to respond! Have a bottle for me! I prefer exercise to eliminate stress. Occasional whine because my wife and her family are all VERY Italian...


1 glass of red wine.

There are better ways to keep healthy then drinking wine.

a glass or 2 for the antioxidental properties is reccomended.

A bottle is a bit excessive

Well a glass is the recommended amount to improve health. Negative effects come if you drink too much, as with any alcholic beverage, this depends on your weight/height etc.

one glass of wine, doesn't matter what kind. A whole bottle would explain alot if you are having problems.

Well, they say one glass... But whatever keeps you sane is my answer - even if that means a bottle. Cheers :)

A glass or two at most is best. Sorry, you're going overboard.

1 glass of red wine. Now put the cork in it, mister, you already had four days worth!

Actually the amount of red wine needed to provide optimum results would cause so many other health problems, They are trying to develope a pill. Sorry, as for drinking a bottle a day that's a bad idea.

hah i hope your kidding about drinking a bottle. A glass of red wine a day is suppose to be good for your heart.

1 glass medium sized

A thimble. a small thimble. Actually its one glass. and that makes you wonder who in the holy hell only drinks that much to begin with and how did these so called researchers come up with a study group that big. Where did they find thousands of people that only drink one drink a day. WHERE? Who only drinks one drink a day. Whats the point? Either you drink till you're buzzed or you don't ******* DRINK!! Give me god damn break!!

A bottle is a bit much. By the way, researchers have found some benefits to wine, it still has the alcohol molecule, which is a destructive molecule. All the benefits found in alcohol can be found in other things that have NO ill effects. Such as Yoga, vegetarianism, exercise, etc.


Less than two 4 oz. glasses/day.
A whole bottle is too much for anything except drunkenness.

A small glass a day will not hurt.I would suggest that you ask you Dr. if you take any meds.Hope this helps...

4 to 8 oz. of dry red wine a day is healthy. More than that can be a problem.

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