Loco questions 101?!

Question: Why do people look into tissues after they blow their nose ? ... What are they expecting to see
Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

Answers: Why do people look into tissues after they blow their nose ? ... What are they expecting to see
Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

well, my friend, i'm one of those nose blower lookers and i must say it's all about the sense of accomplishment. after you examine your product, you can proudly say 'wow. that's something i created." it's very similar to the feeling a mother has when her child is born.
ice cubes are in a constant state of exhaustion because they're always being made. they need their rest and just can't get it if the light is on. this frustrates the frozen dinners because a lot of them are trying to get an education and need the light to study.

Why are you asking this question in beer, wine and spirits?
I suppose it's like ppl who look into the toilet after taking a dump, perhaps its intrigue, an insatiable desire to get a surprise..
As for the other question I think it depends on the type of fridge you have but yea that is a puzzler

I look into my tissue, too, but not in public! I suppose it's natural curiosity to see what our bodies have produced (yeah, the toilet thing is in that category, too). It's good to know what color your snot is--clear, yellow, green--because color's an indicator of health or infection.

Check out the "Secret Language of Boogers" here: http://health.families.com/blog/the-secr...

My freezer has a light because it's a side-by-side. I would suppose that top freezers have no light because they're too small to lose stuff in. Maybe.

lol this is the wrong area to be asking this. But that is a very good question, I guess people just want to see. I look at my tissue when I am sick becuase when the mucus starts turning lighter that means your getting better :). Freezers are small and usually right in your face anyways why would you need a light, it would prob freeze too and bust why do you think you arent suppose to put glass bottles in the freezer.

i think people look into there tissue, so other people will get interested and want to have a look2! or maybe they just want to have a guess at how sick they are, you know if your snots green you have an infection??um and the light in the fridge? ive neva noticed and now i want answers, maube cause the freezers smaller??

I'm expecting to see my snot in the tissue, duh! No light in the freezer gives people the impression that it's that much colder in there. I have a light in my freezer, and I always wonder for a split second if it's the same temperature as my fridge.

I look into my tissue to make sure that there is no blood there from a dry nose, and no green residue, which would indicate a sinus infection. How is it that you folks who don't ever look into the tissue keep track of these important internal health conditions?

There is no light in the freezer because historically, space in freezers has been much smaller and often contained within the refrigerator itself (think of an old refrigerator, where the freezer is little more than a compartment with a small door at the top of the refrigerator section).

In modern freezers, there is often no light because the temperature change from freezing to "light on" status is much greater than in the refrigerated section, and the chances of the bulb blowing are significantly greater. Also note that some modern freezers do in fact have a bulb (like a side-by-side) and the bulb is a much heavier duty bulb than those used previously.

I have to agree. Mucous is a window into the body's health. It should be examined regularly. Not to do so is to ignore one's own well-being! Only problem is you can't store the mucous is the freezer if you don't have a light - you'd never find it! LOL!

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