Drink starbucks everyday?!

Question: i drink 20-40 oz of iced green tea lemonade sweetened with classic syrup everyday is that bad?

Answers: i drink 20-40 oz of iced green tea lemonade sweetened with classic syrup everyday is that bad?

Anything that isn't done in moderation is usually bad. I wouldn't drink that everyday if there's a history of diabetes in the family.

i think u should try to reduce.becoz conclutions,everything that u take more than it use to be,nood good for ure health.. :D

Aaah, the frappucionos are way better! try the raspberry one or the coffee 'n' caramel, HEAVEN!
but otherwise you should have the green tea thing much more rarely about once every week, it tastes much nicer as a treat, trust me, i go to starbucks about every 3 months and having a frappuciono is like i've died and gone to heaven but if your gonna try the frappucino then get the small one (if your not sharing it) the medium and large are way to overwhelming!!!

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