Question: I bought a alcohol breath tester because I sometimes drive after drinking. But I want to know that what is the % range that will make me illegal to drive?
My tester don't seems to tell me should i drive or not, it just tell me my %.......

Answers: I bought a alcohol breath tester because I sometimes drive after drinking. But I want to know that what is the % range that will make me illegal to drive?
My tester don't seems to tell me should i drive or not, it just tell me my %.......


Just to be on the safe side, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!

It's very little, a pint and a half of lager or something. Better just to leave the car and get a taxi mate, it's not worth it.

they arent accurate, best to stick to the one drink if u have to drink then drive. Its not worth the risk

The legal drive limit is 0.08% blood alcohol which is 0.35% breath alcohol so your reading on breathalyser should be lower then 0.35

don't drink and drive,you might spill it.

0.8% i do believe maybe 0.6%

Don't be ignorant, it makes you look like a complete ***. you shouldn't even be driving while drinking, PERIOD!

32% after that you're pushing your luck.
Be safe and don't drink and drive better still keep everyone else safe and DON'T DRINK & DRIVE.

I'd say use it as a 'morning after' device - It's not worth the risk driving after drinking alcohol - no matter how accurate or not the breath tester is.
you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time

sorry, i do'nt know

As the advert shows: is that one or two drinks really worth losing your license, then job, then partner, then home? Risking a prison sentence and becoming unemployable? Do it really well and you could end up a total pariah...

If the one or two drinks (which is all you'll ever be able to drink to stay under the limit) are worth it, they will still be worth it when you are at home or when your car is at home...

You could park it first and then walk to the pub, leave the car at the pub and get a cab home, get a bus home, get someone to pick you up... so many different options to avoid drinking and driving - just simply not worth it.

Risky game and not necessarily you that loses, is it?

.08 you get a DWI
.06 you get a DUAI
your in te clear before that

Your just the kind I don't want to meet on the road.Wise up don't drink and drive.Oh I know your smarter than the average bear right.

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