What is a mickey???!

Question: idk if i spelled it right but w/e. ya i no its a drink but like whats in it???

info??? idk my favorite band always says it in their songs and some of my friends drink them but i'm still not sure wat they r

Answers: idk if i spelled it right but w/e. ya i no its a drink but like whats in it???

info??? idk my favorite band always says it in their songs and some of my friends drink them but i'm still not sure wat they r

a mickey's 40 oz probably. if thats it then its a malt liquor that is extrememly popular with the punk scene.

A mickey can be a couple different things.

It can be a GHB pill dropped in a drink to knock a date out, aka a roofie.

It can be a Michelob beer.

It can be a Mickey's malt liquor, a cheap high-alcohol beer.

2 possibilities
1 old fashioned term for a date rape drug.
"Some slipped me a mickey"
2 a brand of beer that comes in green glass bottles that look like barrels. Mickey big mouths great for chugging

A mouse that Walt Disney created.

A mickey in your drink may end up with you on youtube gettin gangbanged.

where i live a mickey is a tab of acid with a picture of mickey mouse on it.

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