Does it really work to drink a little more when you wake up with a hangover?!

Question: It only works for a little while!! Then once it wears off you feel like crap again!! The best way is too drink water here and there during a night of drinking!!

Answers: It only works for a little while!! Then once it wears off you feel like crap again!! The best way is too drink water here and there during a night of drinking!!

Why dont you try it and find out?

Yes its true, but it is very difficult to get it down!!! Getting in the habit of that can contribute to alcoholism (along with regularly drinking until you get hungover the next day).

Yes. My favorite is beer and tomato juice... or maybe a little Irish Cream in your coffee.

no, it just puts you back into a daze, so i don't recommend it unless you want to get drunk again. drink some water, take a shower, and get ready for the day. maybe get a bit to eat. then you should be good.

Absolutely. But if you don't want to just delay the hangover, bite the bullet and try and eat food and drink water, you will be dehydrated and also will be in need of replacing body salt and energy, it makes you feel bad intially but will speed your return to normality.

No. It is much better for you to drink sports drinks that help replace lost electrolytes. Eating a banana will help as well.

yea it's called "the hair of the dog" in ireland. i think it just puts off the hangover for a while. !!!

no... before you go out.. drink a big glass of milk . thats right milk. then some hard liquour.. then your beer. dont mix too much different beer. and dont drive... if you see that you are getting drunk alot then you may have a problem.

it does work but it rarely even goes down.

YES, Take it from a person with experince in drinking and a hang over, That the best thing you can get when you got drunk the night before and wake up and feel like that a truck ran over your head,than that when you have to get a beer or what ever you had last to drink,until you get something to ease that hang over than when you feel better, Take it from a expert on drinking and headache and ease the next day.


water and a multi-vitamin before you go to bed, and don't drink cheap alcohol

A true road to alcoholism,,,,but yes, it does work..

Yes, but it helps to drink before you go to bed. I drink half OJ and half water to boost vitamin c and rehydrate. In the morning I'd have lots of coke for the sugar and a big greasy fry up. That sets matters straight.

yeah drink a can of budweiser and you feel right as rain. If not drink egg nd milk mixture or bloody mary, egg and cress sandwich, all day fry-up and to top it off a chocolate you put on weight but youll feelk so much better.

this is a road to alcoholism,,,,but yes, it does work many times

yes, but don't overinduldge, I ussually take asprin and sip a glass of cold milk, cuddle up and nap for a bit longer and when I wake up I feel a little better. So fun to drink but I hate the spins!

people laugh it off and call it the hair of the dog but seriously this could start to send you down the slippery slope of alcoholism. take care x

No, it doesn't. I eat some toast w/honey. Honey absorbs the alcohol in your system.

Hair of the dog.

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