Is it too early to start drinking this evening?!

Question: as long as its not for tomorrow evening of course its ok lol

Answers: as long as its not for tomorrow evening of course its ok lol

it's NEVER too early to start drinking.

I try not to stop on the weekends.

what are you talking about?! its too late to start drinking!!! better catch up!

Its never too early!!! Remember, its 5 o'clock somewhere.

I agree! u can start drinkin whenever you want!!

Well here in the US its not evening yet, so yes, its too early to be drinking this evening.

hi gemma well its 5.30pm here and im on my first of the evening ...go for it .

I'm still drinkin since yesterday so your a lil late....

It's Beer thirty.

Never. just make sure you will not be driving, OK?

its never early to start drinking!

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