How was alcohol made back in the day?!



Pretty much the same way it is made today. just not in as much of a quantity.

Basically the same way its made now, you take barley or something else that produces ethanol, grind it into dust, mix it with water, possibly heat it a bit, possibly add sugar or another catalyst, then let it sit until its done fermenting. The stuffs been around since the dawn of civilization its not like its hard to make.

In back woods sheds! LOL.

Which "the day"?

Depends on where, when, and what kind of alcohol you want to know about.

"Alcohol has been widely consumed since prehistoric times[3] by people around the world, as a component of the standard diet, for hygienic or medical reasons, for its relaxant and euphoric effects, for recreational purposes, for artistic inspiration, as aphrodisiacs, and for other reasons.......
Fermented beverages
Chemical analysis of traces absorbed and preserved in pottery jars from the Neolithic village of Jiahu, in Henan province, Northern China, have revealed that a mixed fermented beverage of rice, honey, and fruit was being produced as early as 9,000 years ago.
Distilled beverages
Main article: Distilled beverages
The distillation of alcohol can be traced back to China, Central Asia and the Middle East. In particular, Muslim chemists were the first to produce fully purified distilled alcohol.[4] It later spread to Europe in the mid-12th century, and by the early 14th century it had spread throughout the continent. It also spread eastward, mainly due to the Mongols, and began in China no later than the 14th century. However, recent archaeological evidence suggests that in China the practice of distillation may date back to 5000 BC. Paracelsus gave alcohol its modern name, taking it from the Arabic word which means "finely divided", a reference to distillation."

You need to be more specific.

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