You just found a gnat in your cocktail...what would you do?!

Question: make it pay for half the drink!!!!!!!!!

Answers: make it pay for half the drink!!!!!!!!!

take it out and act like nothing happened lol.
UNLESS someone else sees because then i would have to act disgusted and not finish my drink.


let the bartender know and order another

He's only drunk too.....Keep drinking....LOL

that would probably depend on how many cocktails i'd had previously. If i'd had a couple i'm sure i would be quite merry and just take it out and keep drinking.

Pluck it out if I could. No big deal. A little extra protein never hurt anyone.

If I'm at home or visiting a friend, take it out and drink it anyway. If I'm at a restaurant or bar, I'd ask for a new one.

If it's an "outdoor" event ... then bugs are just an unfortunate part of that experience and nothing can really be done about it. You either dump the drink out and get a new one... pick out the gnat and finish your drink... or chug the whole thing down and consider the gnat an added "protein boost" in your cocktail!


If you're at a classy indoor-type event... tell the waiter or bartender about it and they'll usually replace it for you for free.

dump it, you dont know where that gnats been at

send it back.

Ask the bartender for a new one if it bothers you that much

let the server or bartender know and i am sure they will replace it......

Take it out of my drink, shake it vigorously, hold it over my drink, and say "spit it out!".

Eat it.

Wouldn't want to waste any of the alcohol that may be on or in the gnat.

"dump it out"?? What wasteful people.

if it was like my 12th cocktail, probably drink it. lol...

lol the alcohol killed the poor little booger I would take it out and continue drinking.

throw it at the waitor when he walks by

probably drink the drink with the gnat in it because i'd be to drunk to care.

I try to take it out or .... mmmmhhh delicious .... protein

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