Seriously am i a frequent smoker?!

Question: smoke the green stuff ...i smoke twice a week ,i take about 3-4 hits each time and i am high....wat kind of smoker would you say i am frequent,occasianal,hardly ever,etc etc i think i am occasional but i just wanted to see wat you thought?

Answers: smoke the green stuff ...i smoke twice a week ,i take about 3-4 hits each time and i am high....wat kind of smoker would you say i am frequent,occasianal,hardly ever,etc etc i think i am occasional but i just wanted to see wat you thought?

frequent is at least twice a day. twice a week is weak sauce. you are a smoker and just a smoker.

That is light smoking. The low middle range.

stop lying to know that's frequent....what a turn-off!

Hope ya dont have to UA for a job or anything

what you have is a habit think about it.

SERIOSLY you should NOT be any sort of smoker.
Do yourself a huge favour and give it up.
Many years down the track you will be gratefull to yourself that you gave up the habbit when you did.


It only becomes a problem when it affects your productivity and quality of life, just be mindful of that and don't let it get out of control. Some of the most successful and intelligent people I know are occasional to frequent all depends on what the individual could tolerate. I'm one of the people who can't function well as a frequent smoker, so I do so maybe 2 or 3 times a year.

u r frequent smoker.

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