What beer has the highest percent alcohol?!

Question: The top is:

Hair of the Dog Dave at 29% ABV

Some others:

Sam Adams Utopias: 27%
Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA: 21%
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout: 21-23%
Sam Adams Millenium: 20%

Answers: The top is:

Hair of the Dog Dave at 29% ABV

Some others:

Sam Adams Utopias: 27%
Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA: 21%
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout: 21-23%
Sam Adams Millenium: 20%

sam adams utopia is something like 20%

Several. Follow the link below for a complete list.

chimay has about 15%


It is a rice BEER, not a wine, and can peak at 20%

Here's a link that lists all the highest alcohol percentage beers: http://www.beertutor.com/beers/index.php...

You're probably referring to affordable beers. Usually, the most common beers with high (9-15%) alcohol content are Barleywine-Style Ales and White Ales (Belgian).

Happy drinking! :)

That sam adams is thick. It does not have the same consistency as regular beer. Its almost like a liquor.

Brian L is spot on with his response, though I would like to add the following.

A lot of the stronger beers are either no longer being produced (as is the case with Hair of The Dog's Dave Barleywine) only made every few years (Sam Adams Utopias) or are seasonal and only made during certain times of the year (DogFish Head 120 Minute IPA and Dogfish Head World Wide Stout)

Some are also quite expensive with The Utopias routinely going for over 100 dollars a 750 ml bottle.

Some strong beers and beer styles that are availiable on a more consistent basis would be:

Most any form of Belgian or Belgian style ale, notable exceptions would be witbier which is a belgian style of wheat beer and Belgian Pale Ales (not to be confused with Belgian Strong Pale Ale's IE: Duvel, Delirium Tremens and La Chouffe)

Speaking of which would highly recommend Belgian Beer, whether it's a quadrupel, dubbel,trappist ale tripel and on and on because not only are they strong, but they are typically exceptionally made. There are well made American and Canadian produced Belgian style ales as well. UniBroue from Canada and Ommegang from Cooperstown NY likely being the two most popular brewers.

Could go on for sometime in terms of other beer styles with higher alcohol contents.. though I'll end with three of my favorite styles. Barleywine, Double IPA's and Imperial Stouts.

Beer is not only wonderful, but considerably more varied than what the average bud/miller/coors drinker gives it credit for.

I also need to add that "Dave" by Hair of the Dog Brewery had to be distilled twice to produce the high alcohol content, therefore it is not a beer. Beer is fermented, but never distilled.
Samuel Adams Utopias is the highest ABV beer ever produced. The last 2 vintages (2005 and 2007) tipped the scales at 25.6% alcohol by volume, and was selling for an average of $140-$180 in stores before it quickly sold out. Keep in mind, this is the price per bottle (750mL - 25.4 ounces).
The others were spot on with the Dogfish Head mentions, etc.
Colt45... (poster^^) made some brilliant points about beer being more than what most peopl eknow it to be.
Get out there and try something new. Respect yourself and respect beer...

Drink Better Beer.

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