Wine Drinking?!

Question: Ok first of all, Baby Jai is here!!! YAY!!! I was induced tuesday around 10am and had him at 3:06pm!! Which is also his fathers bday. My question for you all is, is it to early to celebrate with a glass of wine? I'm not breastfeeding at all(I know..shame on me) but will this prolong recovery?

Answers: Ok first of all, Baby Jai is here!!! YAY!!! I was induced tuesday around 10am and had him at 3:06pm!! Which is also his fathers bday. My question for you all is, is it to early to celebrate with a glass of wine? I'm not breastfeeding at all(I know..shame on me) but will this prolong recovery?

Congratulations! One glass of wine is fine! If I want one glass to last longer I buy a dry wine and spritz it up with some club soda. I put 1/2 wine and 1/2 club soda, it helps the dry taste and then I can have two glasses!!

i don't see why A glass of wine would hurt you.... i think that it might help you to relax for a minute....

Have a glass of wine, you deserve it. Congrats!!

No, you're fine to have a glass of wine. I even heard from several friends of mine who were pregnant that they were told they could even have an occassional glass of wine WHILE they were pregnant so it's certainly no problem now, especially since you're not breast feeding. Congratulations and cheers to your new addition and the proud mama!

In some places they advise breastfeeding and even pregnant mums to have a glass of stout (eg Guiness). It's supposed to be a tonic, and high in iron.

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