Does bottled beer go bad?!


Does bottled beer go bad?

if unopened can u drink it whenever or is there an expiration date

First of all, beer is never bad. It might taste a bit off, but that doesn't make it bad, just bad tasting.

The alcohol within beer is a really good preservative and it is unlikely to go off unless you get serious amounts of air and organic material introduced. This doesn't happen in a bottle.

Even live casked ales don't go bad if they are left alone for long periods of time, they just lose their distinctive taste. With bottles, the main thing that will make the flavour decay is sunlight - so if it has been kept in the dark then your chances of something tasty are improved.

Finally, my advice is to drink three beers which have not been kept for a long period of time first, and then drink the ones which have been in storage. That way you won't notice any decay in taste so much.

as far as i know, beer doesn't go bad. as long as it isnt opened. but just to be sure, check the label of the beer. and if the beer does taste funny, dont drink it

Never let beer in clear containers get in to the sunlight. It can go bad if this happens. This is why brewers used dark brown or dark green containers. Better still, rip the top off it and drink it ... no good thinking about storing it :-)

not really, however beer has an expiration date by law

no its does not go bad as long as you keep it at one temp. dont try to put it in the frezzer then take it out and let it sit

Beer contains micro-organisms (from the fermentation process). Most breweries use coloured bottles/cans to keep out the sunlight (which reacts with said organisms.) Pasteurization once bottled is also common. This usually gives the product a 3 to 6 month shelf life. Some breweries add chemicals to the beer to slow the "rotting" process, and can therefore use clear containers. These beers usually have a shelf life of 12 months, but would you drink beer with additives?? Also, draught beer (on tap) once coupled (hooked on line) has to be used within a short period (about a 4 to 7 days) as it's pasteurization process is shorter. Because beer is made from natural products (water, malted barley, hops & rice/maize) & should not contain additives or preservatives if it's worth it's er, gas! (the carbon-dioxide in beer occurs in the fermentation period when the sugars in the yeast turn into alcohol.) Some brands add extra CO2 before capping. So an old beer wont kill you, but it wont taste too good (esp if it's the first one you have!) If you can bear to, leave a beer in the sun for 5 mins & notice the difference in taste. Happy quaffing!

Beer never goes bad but then again I would't know casuse I DRINK IT.

who are you keeping it for ? ,just have it !

Beer does go bad. How long it takes for this to happen depends on how much alcohol and hops are in it and how it is kept.

Cask beers will go bad real fast is not kept refrigerated. When the active yeast in it dies, it produces funky flavors.

Every thing should have an expiration date but I guess the alcohol will keep it providing it is not open. If there is no date, I probably wouldn't drink if just go out and get another. This is to be on the safe side.

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