Good quality vodka doesnt make your breath smell?!

Question: true? false?

Answers: true? false?

False (according to your wording). It won't smell like alcohol, but it will smell because of the alcohol. It's true that alcohol is actually odorless and what people percieve as alcohol breath is actually caused by the ingredients commonly found in alcohol, so drinking vodka will prevent "alcohol" breath. However, alcohol deprives your body of nutrients making your body smell from the inside and out through your mouth. Although you will not have alcohol on your breath, your breath will smell bad because of the vodka.

False. Just try it both ways and ask a friend to smell your breath.

Booze runs out your pores and Cologne does not fool anyone.

I saw it on Mythbusters. Vodka can be as mouthwash substitute.

While it won't smell as obvious a something like scotch, your breath will still carry the smell of the alcohol.


False ; and not just your breath. You sweat it out. Only very drunk alchoholics think it doesn't smell, the rest of us sober folks can whiff it miles off!


Vodka smells like pure alcohol, which is in almost everything, including mouthwash, thats why vodka is commonly a working alocohics drink of choice-- they can go to work drinking vodka and no one will notice.. It won't smell like booze the way rum, tequila, scotch, or beer would.

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