How much booze do I need for my party?!
Answers: I have like 20 people coming to my party. About half girls and half guys. Most of us are looking to get hammered. I have a couple bottles of liquor but how much beer do I need.
well figure atleast 12-15 drinks per person just to be on the safe side. cuz some people might drink more but i think a lot won't drink that much. I'd probably get about 3-4 30 packs. i'd go for light beer though so people can drink more without getting totally beligerant. usually if there's liquer a lot of people go for that. so keep atleast 3 bottles and just make sure you have about a hundred beers. GOOD LUCK
6 bottles of beer per person; expect others to bring some liquir with 'em. unless your all underaged, in which case whats your adress (no im not calling the cops, i just want to know your adress
are you going to get MAGGOT
buy a 24. Let everyone else be responsible for their own alcohol. Maybe have some things like gingerale. cola, orange juice on hand to mix with.
Have fun!
a keg should do the job
none........ it will be more fun no DUI's ......... no cops you wont even have to worry about liability........... yippee
buy a keg! it will be cheaper and you'll get hammered!
figure out how much beer you need to 'get hammered' and then multiply that by the number of people attending.
4 cases should do it.