Why is drinking alone worse than drinking with people?!

Question: Because people who abuse alcohol give a bad name to those who are able to enjoy it responsibly.

Getting trashed is not the only reason to drink...I and others very much enjoy the flavor of fine wine and beer, and have no problem having one or two on my own after work. It's very enjoyable, and I can relax and reflect on the day, watch TV, read, watch a thunderstorm roll in...whatever, just wind down. And can you believe it, I'm a perfectly happy and functioning individual! Yeah it's fun in a social setting, but it's also enjoyable in an introspective setting as well.

If you're old enough to be drinking, you should also be mature enough to limit yourself and not get out of control, regardless of if you are with friends or alone...you shouldn't need a babysitter to consume responsibly when you're 21 or older.

It's not sad, it's not pathetic, it's not depressing, and it's not an indicator of abuse or alcoholism...and people who would judge somebody like that without knowing the real story are only looking for a reason to feel better about themselves, which is pathetic in itself.

Answers: Because people who abuse alcohol give a bad name to those who are able to enjoy it responsibly.

Getting trashed is not the only reason to drink...I and others very much enjoy the flavor of fine wine and beer, and have no problem having one or two on my own after work. It's very enjoyable, and I can relax and reflect on the day, watch TV, read, watch a thunderstorm roll in...whatever, just wind down. And can you believe it, I'm a perfectly happy and functioning individual! Yeah it's fun in a social setting, but it's also enjoyable in an introspective setting as well.

If you're old enough to be drinking, you should also be mature enough to limit yourself and not get out of control, regardless of if you are with friends or alone...you shouldn't need a babysitter to consume responsibly when you're 21 or older.

It's not sad, it's not pathetic, it's not depressing, and it's not an indicator of abuse or alcoholism...and people who would judge somebody like that without knowing the real story are only looking for a reason to feel better about themselves, which is pathetic in itself.

Sign of misery I guess.

Usually because with people your laughing, joking, talking, just having a good time.

Alone it's kinda like...now what!

it's not for social reasons i guess so that makes the person "abusing" the substance

it's boring .

because your doing it for social purpose


Because it is a sign of alcohol dependence, which is much more dangerous than social drinking, a more casual thing.

you look depressed if you drink alone.

The feeling is that a person that drinks alone is drinking for the wrong reason.

Maybe because there's no one there to really limit you. Or there's a difference...alone kind of means depressed while with people it goes towards just having a good time.

listen to the song i drink alone by george thorogood...

normally when people drink, it is a social thing... doing it with other ppl. when ppl do it alone... it just seems sad and pathetic. not exactly sure why... well...why would someone WANT to drink by themselves? to get away from pain or a situration they were thinking about. its just sad... :(

because why would anyone wanna get sh*t faced alone? with people, you can have fun and perhaps hook up with them. it's fun with people, and alone its just... sad

it becomes habitual... you aren't partying every day (for the most part) so its only once in a while that you're getting drunk, but if you're by yourself, you just do it for the feeling rather than the good times with friends.

Drinking alone can also be dangerous because you aren't supervising each other if things get out of hand... it's always more safe to be with another person when impairing your body.

Drinking alone is one of the signs of alcoholism depending on how much you drink alone that is... and drinking started out as a social practice, so drinking by yourself goes against social norms.

Because you'll isolate yourself and get into a regular habit of it. You will become secretive and depressed. Your life and your health will fall apart around you. Avoid drinking at all costs, stay with friends. Work hard long hours and sleep well.

When you drink alone you dont relize if you are drunk or gettin drunk.When you are around people some will tell you to stop cause you are drinking to much.

Because it means you're doing it for the effects of the alcohol and not to be social. That is if you're drinking to get drunk. If you're having one drink by yourself, theres nothing wrong.

Isn't it weird that when we say drinking we mean alcohol? I wonder who decided it was worse to drink alone.? I think what is more important is to drink in moderation whether we are alone or with others. Or of course not drink alcohol at all if that is our choice. Evie

It isn't, necessarily. I used to drink alone all the time--still do, sort of (which usually means the kids are asleep and the wife is out of the room).

Now, drinking alone CAN be a bad sign. It gets that reputation because it's often done when someone is drinking really hard to avoid something--out of severe loneliness or having lost their family, or something. So yes, it can be a warning sign.

But it isn't necessarily. One of my favorite things to do in the evening is beer (or other beverage) + computer games. Or whatever, on the computer. Basically, it depends on what the drinker is doing. There is a correlation with drinking alone being a sign of a problem, but it isn't necessarily.

EDIT: James M hits the nail on the head on this one.

When your alone you intend to think alot and you might think of negative stuff and then it makes you want to drink even more. And there is no one there to stop you. or if your in a bad mood that day and choose to drink , then you could end up destroying things and breaking things in your house. I know someone who's like that. When he/she drinks alone depending the mood they are in, results how they will behave. When he/she is in a happy or good mood they get all excited and shout out loud like their partying even if they are alone drinking. They are much nicer.When they had a crappy day or things aren't going well in their life, and they are alone, they start to think about it alot because it bothers them so they can't help but not think about it, they get depressed and upset. Which then he/she will drink so they can try not to think about it, but if that doesn't work, then the more they think about it the more they drink and it starts to pi** them off. Then they start yelling, screaming, cursing. he/she will start throwing things, breaking and punching things and make nothing but a mess because they're fustrated that they can't stop thinking about what is bothering them.So basically it depends what mood your in. That's why it's better to have at least one person around. So he/she will have someone to hang out and socialize with and talk about all kinds of stuff and have fun. That he/she forgets at least for a while about the crappy day they had or whatever's bothering them. And plus they have a drinking buddy. Which is good because he/she is sharing their alcohol, therefore there's less for them to drink.

It's not. It doesn't matter if you're with people or all by yourself, what matters is the reason WHY you're drinking.

because drinking by yourself is boring and usually a sign of alcohol abuse. when you drink with people you laugh and have sex and other great things

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